Stamp Swap + letölthető magyar szabály

14 990 Ft

Draft, cut, choose, and showcase a growing collection of stamps!

Designer Paul Salomon (Honey Buzz, Genotype) brings stamp collecting to life on tabletops in Stamp Swap! Draft from a public pool of face-down and face-up tiles (along with some bonus cards), then simultaneously divide them into 2 groups. You will select one group from another player and keep the group of yours that isn’t selected. Organize your growing collection each round and score 1 of 4 goals — choose wisely, as you can’t score that goal again.

The art of stamp collecting is not just in accumulating many stamps, but in collecting high-quality stamps (including rare gold-foil stamps). This 3-round game for 1-5 players is your chance to meet other attendees, put together a beautiful and well-focused stamp collection, and show it off in a series of contests. Do well and you may walk away with the top prize at this year’s Stamp Swap!



  • 1-5 játékos részére
  • 10+ éves kortól
  • kb 20/60 perc játékidő
  • Angol nyelvű kiadás!
  • Letölthető magyar szabály:
  • Jellemzők: Én választok, te döntesz! mechanika, nyílt draftolás, lapkalehelyezés – bélyeggyűjtés témában



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