• Conserve wildlife in this cooperative trick-taking game You are a team of researchers working for the Institute for Wildlife Conservation (IWC), and you are ready to go to the ends of the earth to halt the extinction of various species. As representatives of the IWC, you will go on missions to research and protect endangered fauna. Each mission revolves around a specific animal, including the collection of data on related animals, in order to gain a better understanding of the behavior, habitat, and other important features of the animal being studied. Animalia: Preventing Extinction is a co-operative card game in which you will attempt, on behalf of the IWC, to conduct research on endangered animals. As you do so, you will also raise funds that the IWC can use to protect animals and create global awareness of the animals’ plight. These goals can only be achieved if you communicate well and work together as a team. Each round consists of a series of 8 turns for each player, called tricks. The first Animal card played in a trick determines that trick’s color. The other players must follow suit by playing an Animal card of the same color, if possible. Whoever plays the highest-valued card in a trick’s color wins that trick. That player moves the trick’s cards to their personal trick pile, which is kept facedown beside them. When all tricks are played, each player with one or more Mission cards must fulfill their mission(s) by collecting (in their trick pile) all of the Animal cards listed on their Mission card(s). If even one of the missions has not been successfully completed, the players immediately lose the game. However, if all players’ Mission cards have been successfully completed, those Mission cards are set aside and the players continue on to the next round. Animalia: Preventing Extinction also offers a campaign mode. The campaign game can be played in solo, two-player, and three-player mode. For setup, select how many and which continents you will play in a row. Any money earned will continue to the next continent. If you fail at any moment during the campaign, you have not succeeded in completing the campaign. https://youtu.be/YAcPow7QON4  
  • Az erdő közepén állva mély lélegzetet veszel. Érzed, hogy a mai lesz a szerencsenapod. Az elmúlt héten a napsütés és az eső váltogatta egymást, tökéletes környezetet teremtve egy kellemes gombaszedéshez. A helyiek útmutatása is igen bíztatónak tűnik. Egy nagy kosárral felszerelkezve korán kezded a mai napot, virradat előtt, a ragyogó holdfényben. Még egy serpenyőt, némi vajat és almabort is csomagoltál, hogy alkonyatra már a tűz körül lakomázhass az összegyűjtött gombákból. Ez egy nagyszerű nap lesz! https://youtu.be/HlvzbcSZSGM  
  • Draft beautiful butterflies, and compete to attract the legendary White Butterfly! Fluttering Souls is a captivating, beautifully illustrated two-player game based on the Japanese legend of The White Butterfly. You will compete to collect a kaleidoscope of butterflies in the hope of being visited by The White Butterfly; the soul of a lost loved one. Legend of the White Butterfly Many years ago an apprentice merchant named Takahama fell hopelessly in love with a woman named Akiko. They became engaged, but, tragically, Akiko died before they could be wed. Takahama was distraught. He had built a life and a successful career, but he could not bear to be away from his love. Such was his dedication to Akiko that he abandoned his trade and gave his life to the upkeep of the cemetery where she was buried. For 50 years Takahama visited Akiko’s grave every day with a single pure white rose. One day, Takahama fell so ill he could not go outside. Fearing he may die, his sister and niece came to care for him. While he lay there, unable to move, a butterfly of the purest white landed gently on his pillow. Annoyed, Takahama’s niece tried to shoo the butterfly, but it would not stray from the pillow of the dying man. As Takahama’s final breath left his body, so the butterfly flew to the grave of Akiko and disappeared. White butterflies are believed to be the visiting souls of loved ones. Worried that Takahama had not visited her grave that day; Akiko looked over him and did not leave until his soul had joined hers. Overview Fluttering Souls is a 2 player game, made up of 3 - 5 rounds. In each round players take turns collecting butterflies to earn victory points, either in a set or by themselves. The player that collects the most victory points at the end of a round is awarded a White Butterfly Token; a visit from a lost loved one. The first player to collect 3 White Butterfly Tokens is the winner. https://youtu.be/z3hofcbhN5o  
  • MORE POWER! Or, y'know, different power plants. This deck is a complete set of power plant cards for Power Grid that can be used with any of the maps:
    • in place of the original deck
    • paired with the original deck (to make for an unpredictable mix)
    • cards added to the original deck (to make the game as long as "Funkenschlag", game will end at 20 cities)
    • in custom mixture of the two decks (to create specialized decks)
    This set of cards has green borders to distinguish them easily from the original set of power plant cards.  
  • MORE POWER! Or, y'know, different power plants. Power Grid: The New Power Plants – Set 2 is a complete set of power plant cards for Power Grid offering two variants to play:
    • in place of the original deck
    • paired with the original deck (to make for an unpredictable mix)
  • ♠️ COUP

    6 990 Ft
    You are head of a family in an Italian city-state, a city run by a weak and corrupt court. You need to manipulate, bluff and bribe your way to power. Your object is to destroy the influence of all the other families, forcing them into exile. Only one family will survive... In Coup, you want to be the last player with influence in the game, with influence being represented by face-down character cards in your playing area. Each player starts the game with two coins and two influence – i.e., two face-down character cards; the fifteen card deck consists of three copies of five different characters, each with a unique set of powers:
    • Duke: Take three coins from the treasury. Block someone from taking foreign aid.
    • Assassin: Pay three coins and try to assassinate another player's character.
    • Contessa: Block an assassination attempt against yourself.
    • Captain: Take two coins from another player, or block someone from stealing coins from you.
    • Ambassador: Draw two character cards from the Court (the deck), choose which (if any) to exchange with your face-down characters, then return two. Block someone from stealing coins from you.
    On your turn, you can take any of the actions listed above, regardless of which characters you actually have in front of you, or you can take one of three other actions:
    • Income: Take one coin from the treasury.
    • Foreign aid: Take two coins from the treasury.
    • Coup: Pay seven coins and launch a coup against an opponent, forcing that player to lose an influence. (If you have ten coins or more, you must take this action.)
    When you take one of the character actions – whether actively on your turn, or defensively in response to someone else's action – that character's action automatically succeeds unless an opponent challenges you. In this case, if you can't (or don't) reveal the appropriate character, you lose an influence, turning one of your characters face-up. Face-up characters cannot be used, and if both of your characters are face-up, you're out of the game. If you do have the character in question and choose to reveal it, the opponent loses an influence, then you shuffle that character into the deck and draw a new one, perhaps getting the same character again and perhaps not. The last player to still have influence – that is, a face-down character – wins the game! A new & optional character called the Inquisitor has been added (currently, the only English edition with the Inquisitor included is the Kickstarter Version from Indie Boards & Cards. Copies in stores may not be the Kickstarter versions and may only be the base game). The Inquisitor character cards may be used to replace the Ambassador cards.
    • Inquisitor: Draw one character card from the Court deck and choose whether or not to exchange it with one of your face-down characters. OR Force an opponent to show you one of their character cards (their choice which). If you wish it, you may then force them to draw a new card from the Court deck. They then shuffle the old card into the Court deck. Block someone from stealing coins from you.
  • Ez a játék a Patchwork társasjáték legújabb kiadása. A kirakó alapú táblajáték különleges, Szerelmes köntösben tér vissza. Február 14. Valentin nap - egy különleges nap az összes szerelmesnek: Itt a lehetőség kifejezni a szereteted kisebb (vagy nagyobb) ajándékokkal. Talán egy gyertyafényes vacsora, egy virágcsokor, vagy - mint ebben a játékban is- egy doboz csokoládé? A Szerelmes Patchwork a népszerű, klasszikus Patchwork játék mechanikáját használja. Benne vagy ebben a "cuki" kihívásban, hogy a kedvesednek a legcsodálatosabb csokidobozt rakd össze? A szerző (Uwe Rosenberg) ünnepelt tervező a társasjátékosok körében, további játékai: Agricola, Babszüret, Indián nyár, Virágoskert, Le Havre, Loyang, Caverna, stb. https://youtu.be/5rSVN76n0KM      
  • The new moon is a symbol for a new beginning, the perfect time to start something new and to plan your future — and that is what Nova Luna (lat. for new moon) is all about. In each round of this abstract tile-laying game, you have to plan your future anew, developing a new strategy to cope with what the moon wheel has to offer you. On each turn, you have to decide which new tile from the moon wheel to place in front of you. Every new tile brings a new task you have to fulfill. In order to do so, you need to place tiles of the correct color adjacent to the task you want to complete, but these of course again bring you new tasks. Each time a task is solved, you may place one of your markers on it. So decide wisely and be the first one to place all your markers. https://youtu.be/caSdEHsj2nM      
  • Patchwork egy rövid, kétszemélyes absztrakt stratégiai játék . Ebben a játékban paplanokat kell varrnotok, különböző színű szövetdarabok felhasználásával, úgy, hogy a játék végén a legnagyobb profitra tudjatok szert tenni. A játékban különböző formájú lapkákat használhattok fel, nagyjából, mint annak idején a Tetrisben. A saját körödben kiválasztasz egy szövetdarabot, amit a saját négyzetrácsos játéktereden kell elhelyezned. Ezek a szövetdarabok pénzbe (gombokba) kerülnek, és valamennyi időbe, amíg hozzávarrod az eddigi paplanodhoz őket. Minél több ideig tart egy-egy darab bevarrása, az ellenfél annál több akciót tud végrehajtani amíg te dolgozol. Jól kell gazdálkodni a gombokkal, mérlegelni kell, hogy egy-egy szövetdarabot megéri-e megvenni, vissza fogja-e hozni az árát a későbbiekben. Tartalma: 1 központi időtábla, 2 takarótábla, 1 semleges jelző, 2 időjelző, 5 különleges folt, 1 különleges lapka, 50 gomblapka, 33 folt https://youtu.be/5rSVN76n0KM      
  • 2 oldalas playmat érkezett a nagyszerű Fantastic Factories társasjátékhoz, a másik oldalon az egyszemélyes játékmódban kombinálhatsz! It's a manufacturing arms race! Compete against other players as you try to build the most efficient set of factories in the shortest time. You must carefully manage your blueprints, train your workers, and manufacture as many goods as possible in order to achieve industrial dominance! In Fantastic Factories, you race to manufacture the most goods or build the most prestigious buildings. There are elements of dice rolling, worker placement, engine building, resource management, tableau building, simultaneous play, and some card drafting. Each round is split into two phases, the market phase and the work phase. During the market phase, you choose to either acquire a new blueprint for free or pay to hire a contractor. Blueprints are used to construct new factories during the work phase. Contractors can be used to reinforce your strategy by providing resources or allowing you to roll additional dice. You need to be mindful of what cards are available in the marketplace and the strategies your opponents may be pursuing. During the work phase, all players simultaneously roll their dice and use their dice as workers to run factories. Factories start as blueprints and need to be constructed. Once constructed, each factory can be used once each turn. Worker placement can happen in any order and figuring out the correct sequence can enable a powerful chain of actions. Additionally, you can build training facilities that allow you to manipulate the dice values of your workers. Each work phase is like solving a unique worker placement puzzle in order to optimize your output of resources and goods. Once any player has manufactured 12 goods or constructed 10 buildings, the game end is triggered and one additional and final round is played. The player with the most points wins (combination of building prestige and manufactured goods). With over 30 unique blueprints and countless synergies across buildings, each game is unique. Fantastic Factories offers a lot of replay value and satisfaction as players discover new factory engines with each game. https://youtu.be/aFy17SFgvNE
  • Restore the harmony of the nature spirits - the Sagani. Nyelvfüggetlen játék, játékszabály letölthető és Szekeres Feri bemutatója is segít a játékszabályban! Welcome to Sagani where achieving harmony between the natural elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire is the central goal of the spirits that populate this world. These spirits spend most of their time in their vessel-like dwellings. But when the elements are put in balance, the spirits emerge from their vessels and show themselves in their full form. Each spirit embodies one of the four elements and influences the harmony between them. In Sagani, as you and your opponents create this colorful, harmonious world by employing your Sound discs, the spirits become fully visible. Every spirit that shows itself also brings you a step closer to victory. https://youtu.be/CIuJoU4kGb0 https://youtu.be/xl1qVG8DZUQ      
  • It's a manufacturing arms race! Compete against other players as you try to build the most efficient set of factories in the shortest time. You must carefully manage your blueprints, train your workers, and manufacture as many goods as possible in order to achieve industrial dominance! In Fantastic Factories, you race to manufacture the most goods or build the most prestigious buildings. There are elements of dice rolling, worker placement, engine building, resource management, tableau building, simultaneous play, and some card drafting. Each round is split into two phases, the market phase and the work phase. During the market phase, you choose to either acquire a new blueprint for free or pay to hire a contractor. Blueprints are used to construct new factories during the work phase. Contractors can be used to reinforce your strategy by providing resources or allowing you to roll additional dice. You need to be mindful of what cards are available in the marketplace and the strategies your opponents may be pursuing. During the work phase, all players simultaneously roll their dice and use their dice as workers to run factories. Factories start as blueprints and need to be constructed. Once constructed, each factory can be used once each turn. Worker placement can happen in any order and figuring out the correct sequence can enable a powerful chain of actions. Additionally, you can build training facilities that allow you to manipulate the dice values of your workers. Each work phase is like solving a unique worker placement puzzle in order to optimize your output of resources and goods. Once any player has manufactured 12 goods or constructed 10 buildings, the game end is triggered and one additional and final round is played. The player with the most points wins (combination of building prestige and manufactured goods). With over 30 unique blueprints and countless synergies across buildings, each game is unique. Fantastic Factories offers a lot of replay value and satisfaction as players discover new factory engines with each game. https://youtu.be/aFy17SFgvNE
  • 2 új kiegészítő érkezett a nagyszerű Fantastic Factories társasjátékhoz, hamarosan playmat is érkezik! It's a manufacturing arms race! Compete against other players as you try to build the most efficient set of factories in the shortest time. You must carefully manage your blueprints, train your workers, and manufacture as many goods as possible in order to achieve industrial dominance! In Fantastic Factories, you race to manufacture the most goods or build the most prestigious buildings. There are elements of dice rolling, worker placement, engine building, resource management, tableau building, simultaneous play, and some card drafting. Each round is split into two phases, the market phase and the work phase. During the market phase, you choose to either acquire a new blueprint for free or pay to hire a contractor. Blueprints are used to construct new factories during the work phase. Contractors can be used to reinforce your strategy by providing resources or allowing you to roll additional dice. You need to be mindful of what cards are available in the marketplace and the strategies your opponents may be pursuing. During the work phase, all players simultaneously roll their dice and use their dice as workers to run factories. Factories start as blueprints and need to be constructed. Once constructed, each factory can be used once each turn. Worker placement can happen in any order and figuring out the correct sequence can enable a powerful chain of actions. Additionally, you can build training facilities that allow you to manipulate the dice values of your workers. Each work phase is like solving a unique worker placement puzzle in order to optimize your output of resources and goods. Once any player has manufactured 12 goods or constructed 10 buildings, the game end is triggered and one additional and final round is played. The player with the most points wins (combination of building prestige and manufactured goods). With over 30 unique blueprints and countless synergies across buildings, each game is unique. Fantastic Factories offers a lot of replay value and satisfaction as players discover new factory engines with each game. https://youtu.be/aFy17SFgvNE


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