• Egy kő sem marad érintetlenül a helyén….!
    Hiszen csak akkor kaptok pontokat, ha a 9 színes követ úgy rendezitek el, hogy azok kiadják a kezetekben tartott egyik kártya képét. Minden körben döntenetek kell arról, hogy pontokat szereztek a kártyákkal, vagy felhasználjátok őket a kövek elrendezésének megváltoztatására. Gondoljátok át alaposan, hogy melyik kártyát szeretnétek feláldozni, és melyiket váltanátok szívesebben pontokra!


  • Egy újabb, vadonatúj absztrakt játék a láthatáron!

    Shifting Seasons is an abstract tile-shifting game in which players move season tiles and strategically place them on their player board.

    Every person has one player board that is divided into 4 qudrants, that are numbered from 1-4.
    On a turn, you take 1 of the 3 tiles from the display. You then push the choosen tile into the main sliding game board starting from 1 of the 4 arrows. This ejects a tile at the opposite side onto a number (1-4). Place this ejected tile in the matching quadrant on your player board.
    With bonus markers you can move a tile on your player board or push two tiles into the sliding game board.
    Keep taking turns until everyone has claimed 24 tiles, then count your points based on how well you matched the scoring cards. You gain points for matching tiles and gain bonus points if the tiles match your player board or are precious tiles.


  • Érkezett ISTANBUL BIG BOX! Alapjáték + 2 kieg a dobozban! Welcome to the hustle and bustle of the bazaar district of Istanbul! Merchants and their assistants are hurrying through the narrow alleys attempting to be more successful than their competitors. Good organization is key: Wheelbarrows have to be filled with goods at the warehouses and then swiftly transported to the various destinations by the assistants. The goal of the merchants is to be the first to collect a certain amount of rubies. Istanbul: Big Box is the All-in-1 package for Istanbul, including the base game as well as both expansions, Mocha & Baksheesh and Letters & Seals. This combination also gives players the option to play on a big 5 x 5 tiles bazaar.   https://youtu.be/Un3ZabRxnyY

    In CODEX Naturalis, you must continue the work of the illuminating monk Tybor Kwelein, assembling the pages of a manuscript that lists the living species in primary forests. Can you put the pages together in the best order possible? And are you prepared to sacrifice a species to develop your manuscript?

    In the game, each player starts with a single card on the table, a card that shows some combination of the four possible resources in the middle of the card, in the corners of the card, or both. Players also have two resource cards and one gold card in hand, while two of each type of card are visible on the table.

    On a turn, you place a card from your hand overlapping the corners of one or more cards you already have in play. Your starting card has four overlappable corners, while resource and gold cards have only three.

    • Resource cards have no cost to be played, and they often depict resource symbols in their corners.
    • Gold cards deliver points when played, but they often have a resource requirement, e.g., three fungi or two plant/one animal/one insect, and you must have those resources visible in your manuscript at the time you play the gold card. You score points from this card immediately, with some cards having a fixed value and others a variable one depending on how many of a certain symbol are showing or how many corners you covered this turn.

    If you wish, you can play a card from your hand face down; such a card has four corners and one resource, but provides no points. After you play, draw a face-up card or the top card of either deck to refill your hand.

    When a player reaches 20 points, you complete the round, and each player takes one additional turn. Players then score points based on how well they matched two public objective cards and one secret objective card, after which the player with the most points wins.


  • Megérkezett a BARDWOOD GROVE - EXCLUSIVE KS tartalmak + METAL COINS! Egészen pontosan: Bardwood Grove alapjáték - Standard edition + KS exclusive pack + Spirits of the Grove kieg + Set of 30 metal coins + + KS exclusive Merchants Cove crossover pack (Deluxe upgrade pack nincs benne!) Craft songs, tell tales, play shows, save creatures, and boast to earn glory! Itt tudod megnézni, hogy mit tartalmaz a KS BARDWOOD GROVE - KLIKK!
    Bardwood Grove is a tableau-composition euro game where each player assumes the role of a fantastical Bard. Set in The Five Realms universe (Merchants Cove, Rise to Nobility, Cavern Tavern), players will adventure to the Halfling Realm, the home to the finest, highly-talented, and most-legendary Bards of all the land. As Bards, players will manage a unique tempo dial mechanism to build temporary Song tableaus from your deck, while exploring and activating locations around the lush woodland city. Each Bard starts with asymmetric skill decks that match their style, such as the Bardbarian, Sword Dancer, and Wardrummer. Learn new Bardic skills, tell tales and perform gigs, soothe the dissonant creatures invading the Grove, and contend with other Bards for the most Glory and Fame. Once all Glory has been collected, the Bard with the most combined Glory and Fame wins! Each turn, players draw two cards from their unique skill deck and play one to their Story (discard pile) for instant benefits, while the other is added to their Song (tableau). Bardwood Grove challenges players to carefully craft their Song tableaus, coordinating them with their Composition cycle that governs how frequently they sing. As players strategically use resources to upgrade their decks, Songs will release powerful combos and allow players to interact with multiple locations. This creates a unique ebb and flow to the game, as players build their songs, and then decide when and where to sing them. Rumor has it that Bardwood Grove is full of hidden secrets. As the game is played and decisions are made, players will unlock content and evolve the game naturally. An achievement system tied to the choices and performances of each game will guide players through a series of unlockable content. As new content emerges through each play, the game will provide players with new content that is based on unique outcomes and player decisions. Grove locations will change, additional Bardic skills can be unlocked, Bard decks become more powerful, new Bards arrive in town, and a variety of characters (both good and bad) can enter the game. Unravel the mysteries of Bardwood Grove! https://youtu.be/BkkZBOWadsU
  • A Mindbugban hibrid lényeket idézhetsz és küldheted őket harcba az ellenfeled ellen - de amikor lényt idézel, az ellenfél egyik Mindbugját használhatja fel, hogy átvegye az irányítását. Győzd le az ellenfeled egy lenyűgöző taktikai párbajban, ahol a legjobb lapok birtoklása és a rossz időben történő kijátszás önmagad számára is halálos lehet.

    A Mindbugban a lapok furcsa lényeket képviselnek, mindegyik egyedi és erőteljes képességekkel rendelkezik, mint például a Komposzt Sárkány, a Csiga Hidra vagy a Kangasaurus Rex. Minden játékos tíz lénykártyával kezdi a játékot (öt a kézben és öt a húzópakliban), és igyekszik azokkal csökkenteni az ellenfél életerejét nullára. Emellett minden játékos két Mindbug kártyát kap, amit felhasználhatnak, hogy átvegyék egy ellenkező lény felett az irányítást, amikor azt kijátssza... Ez az innovatív Mindbug mechanizmus a játék magja, és egyedi döntéshozatali folyamathoz vezet, amely miatt a Mindbug teljesen másnak érződik, mint bármely más kártyajáték.

    A lap kijátszása nem igényel semmilyen erőforrást a Mindbugban. Ennek eredményeként a játéknak nincs felfutási fázisa (például erőforrások gyűjtése) és nem igényel gyenge lapokat sem. Mivel nincs paklijavítás sem, azonnal játszhatsz egyetlen paklival. Nincs tisztességtelen előny sem, mivel a játékosok ugyanabból a pakliból húznak lapokat, és mindig lehetőségük van a legerősebb ellenfelet szellemileg irányítani. Végül minden a saját döntéseidre épül, ami a játékot rendkívül tisztessé és versenyképessé teszi egyszerre.


  • Az Amsterdam Stephan Feld klasszikusának, a Bora Bora társasjáték újragondolása. Dive into the fascinating world of the Inca and become the “Chasqui”, the legendary relay runner! In this breathtaking board game, your mission is to deliver crucial messages on behalf of the mighty “Sapa Inka” from the splendid capital Cuzco to the remotest villages of the Inca Empire “Tawantisuyu”. Imagine traversing the majestic Andes, overcoming perilous paths, and encountering the secrets of a long-lost civilization. Every successful delivery rewards you with a magnificent feather, a symbol of honor and status. But that’s not all! In Cuzco, you have the chance to research at the renowned university, elevate your status, and delve into thriving agriculture. But beware! The gods are watching your every move. Will you manage to appease them with your offerings and win their favor? Strategy, skill, and a bit of luck with the dice will determine whether you gain the goodwill of the “Sapa Inka” and become the true hero of Cuzco. With impressive game components, tactical decisions, and a deep immersion into the culture of the Inca, “Cuzco” offers an unforgettable gaming experience. Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Then step into the shoes of the Chasqui and uncover the treasures of Cuzco! https://youtu.be/zOrNIwofNys?si=btd8UcT5e-36YnF-  
  • MEGÉRKEZETT! UNSETTLED - SUPERNOVA pledge Kooperatív sci-fi felfedezős játék, ahol bolygóról bolygóra haladtok, fedeztek fel különleges és bizarr életformákat és megpróbáltok túlélni... Itt tudod megnézni, hogy mit tartalmaz a KS UNSETTLED - SUPERNOVA- KLIKK! Tartalom: INCLUDES:
    • Base Game Framework
    • Planet Box: 001_Wenora
    • Planet Box: 002_Grakkis
    • Planet Box: 003_Zehronn
    • Planet Box: 004_Yendraal
    • Planet Box: 005_Strannos
    • Planet Box: 006_Kaélyfos
    • Planet Box: 007_Koguya
    • Planet Box: 008_Blackout
    • Planet Box: 009_Gniir
    • Module: Scientific Specializations
    • Module: Scientific Fascinations
    • Community Survival Task Pack
    • Blue Rift Bonus Item
    • Purple Rift Bonus Item
    Lost amidst the surreal and bizarre unknowns of the far reaches of the cosmos, your crew of explorers must pull together to discover the resources necessary to survive the long journey home. Unsettled is a 2-4 player cooperative survival adventure set in the wondrous and unnerving fringes of uncharted space. There are no enemies and no combat, only an environment where every step, every breath, every particle around you could mean immediate, terrifying, death. Enemies are the least of your concerns. In these incredible conditions you must complete a series of tasks necessary to your continued survival. Perhaps the water reclamation system on the ship needs repair, or (as usual) food supplies are running low. Before you lies a strange alien landscape - it’s up to you to complete these tasks using…whatever you find out there. Each time you play you will have a different combination of survival tasks to complete and the things you discover (and their weird properties) will be different as well. So while you always start out knowing what problems you need to solve you have no idea how you’re going to use the world before you to do so (or what the world is going to do to you while you try). As you explore the environment, encountering wild & unique opportunities along the way, you will work closely with the rest of your crew to achieve your goal of continued existence. The only thing you can be sure of is each other; lose that trust and you’ll lose all hope of survival. https://youtu.be/DLTmLsXqOxU https://youtu.be/WB7e-Hq4t28
  • MEGÉRKEZETT A Match of the Century!
    2 játékos részére hidegháborús hangulat, az őrült-géniusz Bobby Fisher és a regnáló Boris Spassky, a sakkzseni közötti összecsapást jeleníti meg a játék!
    Egy feszült párbaj a hidegháború kellős közepén - aszimmetrikus, többfunkciós kártyákkal - Paolo Mori új társasjátéka!

    1972 nyarán a sakkvilágbajnokság zárómérkőzésén Reykjavíkban a végső leszámolás következett: az amerikai Bobby Fischer kihívta a világbajnokot, a Szovjetunióból érkező Borisz Szpasszkijt. A média által a hidegháború legfontosabb sporteseményeként emlegetett páratlan thriller bontakozott ki... és most a kellős közepén lehetsz.

    Az Évszázad meccsén játszatok egymással, akárcsak egy igazi bajnoki mérkőzésen. Azonban itt minden játék csak néhány rövid és intenzív fordulatig tart, így minden döntés számít a győzelem megszerzésében. Miközben az aszimmetrikus pakliból egyedi effektusokkal rendelkező kártyákat játszotok, mindannyian manipuláljátok a másik mentális kitartását és az egyes gyorsjátékok kimenetelét, de alaposan mérlegeljétek a lehetőségeiteket, mert csak az előnyök feladásával használhatjátok a kártyáinak hatásait.




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