• Megérkezett a Wild Serengeti KS Version Film wild animals to produce your own inspiring wildlife documentary! ---------------------------------------------------- WILD: Serengeti is a board game inspired by the endless plains of the Serengeti. This game combines the joy of puzzle-solving with elements of set-collection and engine-building to create a deep and unique strategic experience. The mesmerizing artwork, 3D components and detailed animeeples will guide you straight into the vivid and breathtaking wilds of the Serengeti. In order to gain victory points, the player must complete Scene Cards by placing the animals on the Main Board in the same pattern as shown on the cards. To achieve the pattern shown on the Scene Cards, players perform actions to either place or move animals on the Main Board. When animals are placed on the Main Board in the same pattern as displayed on the Scene Card, the scene can be completed. When completing Scene Cards the player receives ‘Icons’ or ‘Rewards’. With Rewards, players can earn points or different resources, and with Icons, gain continuous benefits throughout the game. https://youtu.be/Va74ZHbH1nA
  • Sniper ELITE

    23 990 Ft

    Beérkezik: 2023 03 01

    Sniper Elite: The Board Game is a hidden movement game based on the iconic video game series.

    In the game, one player takes the role of the sniper, who is trying to make their way past the German guards by stealth or violence. Up to three other players control squads of German soldiers, striking a balance between defending their objectives and hunting the sniper.

    Sniper Elite features a bag-manipulation element. The sniper draws chits from a bag to target the defenders, though canny defense can decrease the sniper's likelihood of making their shot...




  • Beérkezik: 2023 03 01

    30 years after Ganymede, battle for corporate control over the 4 moons of Jupiter!

    ℹ️ Thirty years after sending the first colonial ships from Ganymede, humanity decided to launch Project Galileo! Its goal: Settle the four main satellites of Jupiter (Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto) in order to broaden human presence in the solar system. This project is named after the Italian intellectual Galileo, the first to observe these four satellites in the sky in 1610.

    In Galileo Project, you play as the same corporations involved in the events of Ganymede and settle the four satellites of Jupiter by acquiring robots from Earth and Mars, recruiting experts, developing technologies, and building superstructures.

    Galileo Project is a standalone game in the Ganymede universe, combining combos and engine-building.



  • Akció!

    CALDERA Park

    10 000 Ft
    Megérkezett végre az új Kramer-Kiesling páros (ismertebb játékaik külön-külön és együtt: Azul, Szénre fel!, Paris, Renature, El Grande, stb) új családi társasjátéka!

    Take care of animals in your park by forming big herds and avoiding bad weather!

    Welcome to the North American wilderness! Breath-taking mountain vistas and spectacular geysers await you here. Vast forests and wide prairie offer home and safety to countless species of animal. Players run a national park and want to unite its animals in the largest families possible. Make sure that they find watering holes and that they completely fill many types of terrain.

    But beware, unpredictable weather can drive animals away, and the other players run their own parks and have a say in where certain species must go. Place your animals cleverly, carefully considering terrain and weather, and the best national park can be yours.

    Caldera Park offers new challenges with great variety and easy rules. Fans of Savannah Park will rediscover some elements in the follow-up, which have been interpreted in new ways, varied and complemented with new elements. Caldera Park is part of the Deep Print Games "In Nature”-series and – like Renature and Savannah Park– entirely abstains from using plastic.
  • Egészen egyszerűen a legjobb és legizgalmasabb Knizia játék, szerintem - minden lépésnek súlya van, zseniális cucc! :)

    The Neo-Babylonian empire, especially under the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562 B.C.), was a period of rebirth for southern Mesopotamia. Irrigation systems improved and expanded, increasing agricultural production. Urban life flourished with the creation of new cities, monuments and temples, and the consequent increase in trade.

    In Babylonia, you try to make your clan prosper under the peace and imperial power of that era. You have to place your nobles, priests, and craftsmen tokens on the map to make your relations with the cities as profitable as possible. Properly placing these counters next to the court also allows you to gain the special power of some rulers. Finally, the good use of your peasants in the fertile areas gives more value to your crops. The player who gets the most points through all these actions wins.


  • In Joan of Arc: Orléans Draw & Write, 1-5 players draft followers that will help them move about France, gather goods, build buildings, establish trading stations, make money, and contribute to beneficial deeds. The player who can best utilize the followers they choose will score the most points and win. In slightly more detail, each round, a number of follower tiles are pulled from a bag. Players take turns drafting the followers and taking actions that correspond to the follower they've chosen. After all the followers have been drafted, the bag resets until you've exhausted one bag per player. In the solo mode, you compete directly against Joan of Arc at one of three difficulty levels. https://youtu.be/YQ8R6pYyaz8
  • A Brass Birmingham KS deluxe edition 78 db zsetont tartalmazott, az IRON CLAYS Printed Boxban 200 db chip található! - Beérkezett!

    The new expanded set of Iron Clays. This set of 200 chips is designed to suit heavy games, all euro style games, many 18XX games, and Poker (up to 5 players per set).

    Iron Clays 200 are delivered in a sturdy, foil stamped, embossed magnetically sealed box. Within the box, the clays are stored in stackable plastic trays, allowing them to reside on your game table accessible to you and your opponents. The total bank has a value of 14,240 and includes the following chips:

    • 40 x 1
    • 40 x 5
    • 20 x 10
    • 40 x 20
    • 20 x 50
    • 20 x 100
    • 20 x 500
    https://youtu.be/8EiwnStA77s https://youtu.be/DrCPYyPbh4Y
  • Power Grid (Nagyfeszültség)
    Tegyünk ajánlatot, építsünk hálózatot és gazdálkodjunk az erőforrásokkal egy olyan versenyben, amelyben a cél a hogy a legtöbb város ellátása elektromos árammal.
    A Power Grid Friedemann Friese zsírkrétás játékának, a Funkenschlagnak a frissített kiadása. Ebben a szerző eltávolítja a zsírkrétát a hálózatépítésből, miközben megtartja az ingadozó nyersanyagpiacot, mint például a Crude: The Oil Game, és a Firenze hercegeire emlékeztető aukciós kör intenzitását.

    A Power Grid célja, hogy a legtöbb várost ellássuk árammal, amikor valakinek a hálózata egy előre meghatározott méretűvé válik. Ebben az új kiadásban a játékosok már meglévő útvonalakat jelölnek ki a városok csatlakoztatására, majd egymás ellen licitálnak a városaik áramellátására használt erőművek megvásárlására.

    Az üzemek vásárlásával azonban újabb, hatékonyabb üzemek válnak elérhetővé, így pusztán vásárlással potenciálisan lehetővé tesszük mások számára, hogy kiváló berendezésekhez jussanak.

    Ezenkívül be kell szereznünk az említett erőművek energiaellátásához szükséges nyersanyagokat (szén, olaj, hulladék és urán; kivéve a „megújuló” szél- és naperőműveket, amelyek nem igényelnek tüzelőanyagot), ami állandó küzdelmet jelent abban, hogy erőműveinket maximum hatékonyságúra fejlesszük, miközben továbbra is elegendő vagyont kell fenntartanunk ahhoz, hogy gyorsan tudjuk bővíteni a hálózatunkat a legolcsóbb útvonalak elérésének érdekében.


  • Once again you're on a quest for rubies at Istanbul's bazaar!

    Once again, players take on the role of shrewd merchants whose goal is to gather goods and lira, then trade them for the precious rubies needed to win. In Istanbul: Choose & Write, instead of a common set of locations in the middle of the table, each player has a bazaar in front of them as a game plan, a personal tracking sheet where players will mark their choices as they play.

    On their turn, players must choose to play either a Location card or a Guild card. Location cards will allow all merchants to perform the action of the specified location, or the action of an adjacent space on their sheet. If a player would rather prevent others from taking this follow action, they can instead play a Guild card, which is expensive but triggers powerful effects.

    Fans of the Istanbul game series will recognize familiar locations in Istanbul: Choose & Write, such as the Large Market and the Gemstone Dealer. However, thanks to the innovative choose-and-write mechanism, this visit to the bazaar will challenge players in a completely new way.



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