• A CLAIM MAGIC kiegészítőhöz most színes, nyomtatott magyar szabályt adunk ajándékba! Az új király meghalt, és csak egy évet töltött a trónon! Nem túl hosszú élet egy király számára. Most öt új frakció csatlakozott a hatalmi harcokhoz, hogy megszerezzék a trónt. A gnómoknak fogsz kedvezni, feltételezvén, hogy megvédenek az óriások dübörgő lépteitől? Kihasználod a látnokok bölcsességét? Magadhoz tudod édesgetni a félénk trollokat, hogy támogassák az ügyedet? Vagy a sárkányok erejére támaszkodsz? Elővigyázattal válassz támogatókat és követeld a trónt! A CLAIM kártyajáték Univerzuma több pakli kártyából áll, de a játékhoz elegendő a CLAIM vagy a CLAIM 2 paklit megszerezni, viszont a Claim, a Claim 2 és a Claim Erősítés játékokat kombinálhatjuk egymással, így a kártyapaklit új összeállításokban is használhatjuk a játékok során. Különleges játékélmény felfedezni a különböző frakciók egymásra gyakorolt hatásait, ráadásul a játék akár 3-4 személlyel is játszható ezután! A CLAIM Erősítés - Mercenaries egy gyors, mindössze 15-20 perc hosszú, taktikus és szórakoztató kártyajáték, amely kiegészítő pakli, önmagában nem játszható, szükséges hozzá a CLAIM vagy a CLAIM 2. Új frakciók kapcsolódnak be a játékba, őket is meg kell meggyőznünk, hogy bennünket támogassanak, vagyis mi legyünk az új király: Küklopszok, Elfek és Orkok és 18 különféle zsoldos karakter is játékba kerül... és mindez kedves, humoros grafikával! Már letölthető a magyar nyelvű, nem végleges szabály is! A teljes CLAIM Univerzumot itt megtalálod akciósan – KLIKK! És CLAIM és CLAIM 2 már pocket méretben, fémdobozban is kapható a webshopban! Megjegyzés: a CLAIM Reinforcements Mercenaries kiegészítő, a játékhoz szükséges a CLAIM/CLAIM2 játék valamelyikére! https://youtu.be/pxtcBbRCBKw https://youtu.be/uGk4LZ0RaiM https://youtu.be/FWp-yimk4d8  
  • Brass: Lancashire — first published as Brass — is an economic strategy game that tells the story of competing cotton entrepreneurs in Lancashire during the industrial revolution. You must develop, build, and establish your industries and network so that you can capitalize demand for iron, coal and cotton. The game is played over two halves: the canal phase and the rail phase. To win the game, score the most victory points (VPs), which are counted at the end of each half. VPs are gained from your canals, rails, and established (flipped) industry tiles. Each round, players take turns according to the turn order track, receiving two actions to perform any of the following:
    1. Build an industry tile
    2. Build a rail or canal
    3. Develop an industry
    4. Sell cotton
    5. Take a loan
    At the end of a player's turn, they replace the two cards they played with two more from the deck. Turn order is determined by how much money a player spent on the previous turn, from lowest spent first to highest spent. This turn order mechanism opens some strategic options for players going later in the turn order, allowing for the possibility of back-to-back turns. After all the cards have been played the first time (with the deck size being adjusted for the number of players), the canal phase ends and a scoring round commences. After scoring, all canals and all of the lowest level industries are removed for the game, after which new cards are dealt and the rail phase begins. During this phase, players may now occupy more than one location in a city and a double-connection build (though expensive) is possible. At the end of the rail phase, another scoring round takes place, then a winner is crowned. The cards limit where you can build your industries, but any card can be used for the develop, sell cotton or build connections actions. This leads to a strategic timing/storing of cards. Resources are common so that if one player builds a rail line (which requires coal) they have to use the coal from the nearest source, which may be an opponent's coal mine, which in turn gets that coal mine closer to scoring (i.e., being utilized). Brass: Lancashire, the 2018 edition from Roxley Games, reboots the original Warfrog Games edition of Brass with new artwork and components, as well as a few rules changes:
    • The virtual link rules between Birkenhead have been made optional.
    • The three-player experience has been brought closer to the ideal experience of four players by shortening each half of the game by one round and tuning the deck and distant market tiles slightly to ensure a consistent experience.
    • Two-player rules have been created and are playable without the need for an alternate board.
    • The level 1 cotton mill is now worth 5 VP to make it slightly less terrible.
  • You are the founder of a new village during the middle ages, in the years after a great plague. The loss of so many people has created big problems for the survivors. Many of the people the villagers used to depend on for essential things like food, shelter and clothes are gone. Craftsmen find themselves without suppliers of raw materials, traders have lost their customers and many have lost their farms and workshops as they escaped the plague. The roads are full of refugees seeking a new beginning. They come to you, hoping to settle down on your land and make a living. Your grain farm is the ideal starting point for a village, reliably providing food for many people. You must choose wisely who you allow to settle with you, as your food and resources are limited. The people on the road have valuable and unique skills, but they all in turn rely on other people with very specific crafts to be able to work. Raw materials, tools and services must be provided by other people from the road. If you manage to find people that can work together to make a profit, while increasing your food surplus and capacity for building new houses, your village will be prosperous. The game comes with a solo mode where a lone village strives to prosper in spite of the dreaded Countess and her evil machinations. https://youtu.be/LmEfdZfQ8RQ
  • The factions of Terra Mystica have opened their doors for business beyond the trading post in Terra Mystica: Merchants of the Seas. More trade flows between the factions with their brand new ships sailing on the rivers. A new large building, the shipyard, upgrades your shipping or range and produces ships with twenty faction board extensions. Factions that export will receive VP and resources depending on the building they deliver to. Factions importing and receiving an opponent's ship will gain power. Ships will dig and build in adjacent hexes, so watch out! Ships can also be consumed and form new Dwellings. The ship movement and Dwelling actions add a new tactical movement element to the already deep strategy of Terra Mystica while maintaining perfect information. The factions must also adjust to an entire new set of 12 round scoring tiles, four new Ship related Favors, three new bonus tiles, three additional power actions, town tiles, and two maps: Loon Lakes and Fjords. The maps and most of the round scoring may also used be used with the base game if desired. The Fire and Ice expansion is not required, but the material for them is provided. https://youtu.be/2Bmoxwp8ZBU
  • Egizia: Shifting Sands is an updated version of the beloved strategy game Egizia. Players travel down the Nile, placing boats as they go, to collect resources that will help them construct some of Egypt's most famous monuments. With new monuments to build, new cards to collect, and a constantly shifting river, Egizia: Shifting Sands Edition is a streamlined, modern update that both longtime fans and new players can easily pick up and enjoy. In Egizia, players must place their pawns following the course of the Nile, moving northwards. In this way, each placement not only blocks the opponents from choosing the same square (except monuments, where multiple players are always allowed), but also forces the player to place their remaining pawns only on the squares below the one they just occupied. When the placement phase is over, the workers of the players (which are separate from the pawns) must be fed with the grain produced in the fields. The production of each field is based on the floods of the Nile, so some fields may not give grain each turn. If a player doesn't have enough grain for all their workers, they must buy it with victory points. After that, stones are received from the owned quarries and used to build the monuments (if the right to do so was reserved earlier) along with the workers. In this new edition, players each get a chance to build across the Colonnade, a new monument. The more columns you build, the better powers you unlock to help you on the river. Perhaps once per turn you can place boats on occupied river spaces or upstream, or gain an extra point each time you place bricks in monuments. With randomized rewards from game to game, the Colonnade is a dynamic new monument to shake up traditional gameplay. Below the Colonnade, where the graves once stood, lie the mysterious statues — a new monument unlike anything else in Egizia. These tiny build sites are cheaper than any other monument, but they hold the potential for high reward if you fulfill their requirements. Players must plan early as they can place only one brick in a statue per round, and each level they build has more strenuous requirements for endgame bonuses. Egizia: Shifting Sands keeps all the painstaking risk/reward decisions of the original Egizia and adds new depths of strategy, balance, and gameplay for a fresh twist on a timeless classic. https://youtu.be/BMhQ-ni95cQ
  • Kiegészítő az Orleans alapjátékoz, szükséges hozzá az alapjáték, tartalmazza az 5. játékos kieget + extra fakomponenseket, rajongóknak kötelező.... Ritka, amikor egy ennyire különleges és szórakoztató játék 5 játékossal is kiválóan, gyorsan és frappánsan működik, az Orleans ezért is az egyik örök kedvencünk, ezét jó ez a Fun Kit! Arról nem is beszélve, hogy sokkal jobb a zsákból fakomponenseket húzogatni és a táblára tenni :-) During the medieval goings-on around Orléans, you must assemble a following of farmers, merchants, knights, monks, etc. to gain supremacy through trade, construction and science in medieval France. In the city of Orléans and the area of the Loire, you can take trade trips to other cities to acquire coveted goods and build trading posts. You need followers and their abilities to expand your dominance by putting them to work as traders, builders, and scientists. Knights expand your scope of action and secure your mercantile expeditions. Craftsmen build trading stations and tools to facilitate work. Scholars make progress in science, and last but not least it cannot hurt to get active in monasteries since with monks on your side you are much less likely to fall prey to fate. In Orléans, you will always want to take more actions than possible, and there are many paths to victory. The challenge is to combine all elements as best as possible with regard to your strategy. https://youtu.be/HlI3vOoZHmM
    ♠  Az egyik állandó kedvenc társasjátékunk, bármikor szívesen elővesszük, a téma, a megvalósítás és a játékban megtalálható szabad döntések sorozat igazán különlegessé teszik. ♠
  • Az erdő közepén állva mély lélegzetet veszel. Érzed, hogy a mai lesz a szerencsenapod. Az elmúlt héten a napsütés és az eső váltogatta egymást, tökéletes környezetet teremtve egy kellemes gombaszedéshez. A helyiek útmutatása is igen bíztatónak tűnik. Egy nagy kosárral felszerelkezve korán kezded a mai napot, virradat előtt, a ragyogó holdfényben. Még egy serpenyőt, némi vajat és almabort is csomagoltál, hogy alkonyatra már a tűz körül lakomázhass az összegyűjtött gombákból. Ez egy nagyszerű nap lesz! https://youtu.be/HlvzbcSZSGM  
  • Orléans: Trade & Intrigue is the second large expansion for the award-winning game Orléans.In addition to new place tiles, this expansion contains a new "beneficial deeds" game board, a new and challenging set of events, and trade contracts. The "Intrigue" introduces ways to hinder your opponents' progress or even allow you to take over your opponents' achievements.https://youtu.be/fAMtTRr9qyI
  • It's a manufacturing arms race! Compete against other players as you try to build the most efficient set of factories in the shortest time. You must carefully manage your blueprints, train your workers, and manufacture as many goods as possible in order to achieve industrial dominance! In Fantastic Factories, you race to manufacture the most goods or build the most prestigious buildings. There are elements of dice rolling, worker placement, engine building, resource management, tableau building, simultaneous play, and some card drafting. Each round is split into two phases, the market phase and the work phase. During the market phase, you choose to either acquire a new blueprint for free or pay to hire a contractor. Blueprints are used to construct new factories during the work phase. Contractors can be used to reinforce your strategy by providing resources or allowing you to roll additional dice. You need to be mindful of what cards are available in the marketplace and the strategies your opponents may be pursuing. During the work phase, all players simultaneously roll their dice and use their dice as workers to run factories. Factories start as blueprints and need to be constructed. Once constructed, each factory can be used once each turn. Worker placement can happen in any order and figuring out the correct sequence can enable a powerful chain of actions. Additionally, you can build training facilities that allow you to manipulate the dice values of your workers. Each work phase is like solving a unique worker placement puzzle in order to optimize your output of resources and goods. Once any player has manufactured 12 goods or constructed 10 buildings, the game end is triggered and one additional and final round is played. The player with the most points wins (combination of building prestige and manufactured goods). With over 30 unique blueprints and countless synergies across buildings, each game is unique. Fantastic Factories offers a lot of replay value and satisfaction as players discover new factory engines with each game. https://youtu.be/aFy17SFgvNE
  • Hero Realms is a fantasy-themed deck-building game that is an adaptation of the award-winning Star Realms game. The game includes basic rules for two-player games, along with rules for multiplayer formats such as Free-For-All, Hunter, and Hydra.

    Each player starts the game with a ten-card personal deck containing gold (for buying) and weapons (for combat). You start each turn with a new hand of five cards from your personal deck. When your deck runs out of cards, you shuffle your discard pile into your new deck. An 80-card Market deck is shared by all players, with five cards being revealed from that deck to create the Market Row. As you play, you use gold to buy champion cards and action cards from the Market. These champions and actions can generate large amounts of gold, combat, or other powerful effects. You use combat to attack your opponent and their champions. When you reduce your opponent's score (called health) to zero, you win!

    Multiple expansions are available for Hero Realms that allow players to start as a particular character (Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Thief, or Wizard) and fight cooperatively against a Boss, fight Boss decks against one another, or compete in a campaign mode that has you gain experience to work through different levels of missions.


  • A Brass Birmingham KS deluxe edition 78 db zsetont tartalmazott, az IRON CLAYS Printed Boxban 200 db chip található! - Beérkezett!

    The new expanded set of Iron Clays. This set of 200 chips is designed to suit heavy games, all euro style games, many 18XX games, and Poker (up to 5 players per set).

    Iron Clays 200 are delivered in a sturdy, foil stamped, embossed magnetically sealed box. Within the box, the clays are stored in stackable plastic trays, allowing them to reside on your game table accessible to you and your opponents. The total bank has a value of 14,240 and includes the following chips:

    • 40 x 1
    • 40 x 5
    • 20 x 10
    • 40 x 20
    • 20 x 50
    • 20 x 100
    • 20 x 500
    https://youtu.be/8EiwnStA77s https://youtu.be/DrCPYyPbh4Y
  • In Raiders of the North Sea: Fields of Fame, enemy jarls have joined forces to help defend against the onslaught of raids on their settlements. But despite their threats, there is fame awaiting those who seek to kill or subdue them. Encountering a jarl is sure to bring injury, but now is no time for the faint-hearted. Onwards to the battlefield! In addition to including components for an extra player, Fields of Fame also includes the new township board, enemy jarl tokens and cards, fame, damage and a variety of new townsfolk. Molnár Peti DRAFT vlog nagyszerű játékszabály ismertetője: https://youtu.be/eTxC20ijctM  
  • Star Realms: Frontiers is a new standalone Star Realms series game with an 80-card trade deck and new scorecards that's suitable for play with up to four players. It can be combined with Star Realms and/or Star Realms: Colony Wars.

    About Star Realms

    Star Realms is a fast-paced game of space battles that combines the fun of a deckbuilding game with the interactivity of Trading Card Game-style combat. As you play, you make use of Trade to acquire new Ships and Bases from the cards being turned face up in the Trade Row.

    You use the Ships and Bases you acquire to either generate more Trade, or to generate Combat to attack your opponent and their Bases. When you reduce your opponent’s score (called Authority) to zero, you win! Battle your friends or team up to play cooperatively against the game!


  • Restore the harmony of the nature spirits - the Sagani. Nyelvfüggetlen játék, játékszabály letölthető és Szekeres Feri bemutatója is segít a játékszabályban! Welcome to Sagani where achieving harmony between the natural elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire is the central goal of the spirits that populate this world. These spirits spend most of their time in their vessel-like dwellings. But when the elements are put in balance, the spirits emerge from their vessels and show themselves in their full form. Each spirit embodies one of the four elements and influences the harmony between them. In Sagani, as you and your opponents create this colorful, harmonious world by employing your Sound discs, the spirits become fully visible. Every spirit that shows itself also brings you a step closer to victory. https://youtu.be/CIuJoU4kGb0 https://youtu.be/xl1qVG8DZUQ      
  • Akció!

    ♠️ PAN AM 🇬🇧 sérült

    10 000 Ft
    Ajándék nyomtatott magyar szabállyal az első 10 vásárlónak! Legyél a legnagyobb nyertese a repülés fénykorának! Üdv a repülés hőskorából, saját kis légitársaságod flottáját fejlesztgeted, veszel egy hárommotoros gépet és licitálsz a jobb lehetőségekért, miközben Pan Am is vadul terjeszkedik és akár még meg is vásárolja tőled irreális áron a vérrel-verejtékkel megszerzett útvonalad... Nem baj, vagy újabb lehetőségek után kutatsz, vagy részvényt vásárolsz a nagy bizniszből, csak egy a lényeg, győzd le a többi riválisod! ...és egyre többet fektetsz be, lesz egy saját reptered, veszel egy szállítógépet is, megszerzed a legzsírosabb távol-keleti útvonalat és már nincs kiszállás az üzletből... Egy igazi régivágású társasjáték repülős-menedzsment témában! A játék rajongói magyar szabályát letöltheted, minimálisan nyelvfüggő! In Pan Am, players compete with Pan American Airways and others to build an air-travel empire. Outbid rivals for lucrative landing rights, buy planes with longer range to reach the far corners of the world, and use insider connections to advance your interests. As you bump up against the ever-growing Pan Am, you can sell your routes to the company to earn a tidy profit, with you then using that money to invest in other growth or to purchase Pan Am stock for what's sure to be a big payout down the road. Pan Am is a game of global strategy that spans four decades of industry-changing historic events. https://youtu.be/8PffdA3az6M
  • Gunkimono

    15 000 Ft
    Match tiles colours to score points now or raise your track to gain points later. In war-torn feudal Japan, the soldiers are restless. The endless battles, betrayals, and broken promises have the soldiers questioning where their loyalties lie. Meanwhile, the daimyo are strategizing, marshaling their troops, and erecting strongholds to bolster the strength of their armies, all in pursuit of honor and ultimate victory. In Gunkimono, players take on the roles of these daimyo, plotting their military advances across the countryside. Each new squad of troops yields victory points, but you may decide to forgo these points and save up for your stronghold instead. All the while, you need to keep an eye on your opponents so that their forces do not grow too large and expand at your expense. https://youtu.be/zcd0PIvOnNI
  • 🥷 Offshore

    15 000 Ft
    Family strategy game about a a highly specialized industry. The vast oil reserves off of the Norwegian shores is an environmentally controversial topic, but it undoubtedly remains one of the most important contributors to the country's massive wealth. Offshore is a lightweight competitive strategy game about this highly specialized industry. In the game, players build oil platforms in the North Sea. Opening a new oil field is, of course, not easy as it requires both technology and temporary co-operation between players. On your turn, you perform one of three actions:
    • Buy a technology tile
    • Export oil (selling it for points and money)
    • Open a new oil field and drill for oil
    Opening a new oil field is the most complex action: Alone, or together with one other player, you must have the required technology and also pay the opening cost. Who should use which technology and how the cost should be split must be agreed upon between the players. The players then drill for oil in a small press-your-luck mini game: The players must decide how deep they want to drill, all the while avoiding too much pressure building up as this could result in a blowout. The combination of technology tiles used for opening the field will also influence the drilling in various ways. The temporary co-operations and players' shared interests in the drilling phases makes for an exciting game in which players share both successes and failures. https://youtu.be/3-J0B6b30a0
  • JOHN COMPANY - 2nd edition - MEGÉRKEZETT! Egészen különleges hangulatú, egyedi játék, igazi ritkaság, mind a játékmenet tekintetében, mint a felhasznált anyagminőségben és a komponensek kialakításában. A játékosok olyan ambiciózus családok szerepét töltik be, akik megpróbálják a British East India Company-t személyes haszonszerzésre használni. A játék a XVIII. század elején kezdődik, amikor a Társaság még gyenge lábon állt a szubkontinensen. A játék során a Vállalat a világ legerősebb és legalattomosabb vállalatává nőhet, vagy összeomolhat saját ambíciói súlya alatt, ez a játékosokon és stratégián múlik. A játékosok közösen irányítják a Vállalatot a hatalmi pozíciók biztosításával, és megpróbálják a Társaság sorsát a saját érdekeik alá vonni és ezt szem előtt tartva irányítani. A Társaság azonban egy lassan mozduló, szövevényes cég, és egyedül nehéz bármit is csinálni, így a játékosoknak gyakran tárgyalniuk kell egymással... MSRP: 125 USD - a fémpénz pedig 30 USD Kérhetsz a játékhoz fémpénzt is 12.000 Ft-os áron (80 db - 4 féle különböző pénz - 4 féle színben) - csak írd oda a megjegyzésbe, köszi :-) In John Company, players assume the roles of ambitious families attempting to use the British East India Company for personal gain. The game begins in the early eighteenth-century, when the Company has a weak foothold on the subcontinent. Over the course of the game, the Company might grow into the most powerful and insidious corporation in the world or collapse under the weight of its own ambition. John Company is a game about state-sponsored trade monopoly. Unlike most economic games players often do not control their own firms. Instead, they will collectively guide the Company by securing positions of power, attempting to steer the Company’s fate in ways that benefit their own interests. However, the Company is an unwieldy thing. It is difficult to do anything alone, and players will often need to negotiate with one another. In John Company, most everything is up for negotiation. Ultimately, this game isn’t about wealth; it’s about reputation. Each turn some of your family members may retire from their Company positions, giving them the opportunity establish estates. Critically, players do not have full control over when these retirements happen. You will often need to borrow money from other players to make the best use for a chance of retirement. Players also gain victory points by competing in the London Season for prestige and securing fashionable properties. John Company engages very seriously with its theme. It is meant as a frank portrait of an institution that was as dysfunctional as it was influential. Accordingly, the game wrestles many of the key themes of imperialism and globalization in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and how those developments were felt domestically. As such, this game might not be suitable for all players. Please make sure everyone in your group consents to this exploration before playing. The second edition is extensively revised and is not a reprint. 💎 VIP VAGABUND akció: Ha szeretnél az előrendelésedhez adni további VAGABUND társasjátékokat szuperkedvezményesen, most megteheted! Keresd a VIP VAGABUND logóval ellátott játékokat, és tedd a kosárba! 1 db társasjáték esetén a kedvezmény -5%, 2 db VIP VAGABUND játék esetén -10% a kedvezmény MINDKÉT játékra, 3 db VIP VAGABUND társasjáték esetén pedig immáron -15% a kedvezmény MINDHÁROM játékra! Próbáld ki, köszi és jó játékot! 🙂 Veronikának köszönhetjük, hogy készített a John Companyról egy nagyon részletes és alapos szabálymagyarázó-bemutató sorozatot! Köszönjük! :-) https://youtu.be/tLMbsX8jQy0 https://youtu.be/eMUbS47tFZ0 https://youtu.be/02X7OC2boq8 https://youtu.be/-vptR-nAznI https://youtu.be/xNYlKqgwKa4         https://youtu.be/_2g-vBp3UO8 Unboxing: https://youtu.be/deteM3wytT0
  • Nidavellir

    12 290 Ft

    Egy millenniumnyi béke ér hirtelen véget, ahogy az ősi gonosz kitör börtönéből és bosszúra szomjazva fogva tartói ellen indul. Ám a fogvatartók... nos, maradjunk annyiban, hogy ők már nem szomjasak.

    A játék tehát licitálásból és szett gyűjtésből fog állni, egy érdekes csavarral megfűszerezve. Minden játékos 5-5 érmével rendelkezik a játék teljes szakaszában, amikből 3-at mindig a licitálásokra költ, 2 a tarsolyában marad. Akad azonban egy 0-s értékű érme, amivel ugyan licitálást nem lehet nyerni, viszont ezzel az érmével lehet az erszényben maradt másik két érmét fejleszteni.Bármikor, amikor valaki licitálásra 0-s érmét rak, ugyanúgy részt vesz a licitálásban, de a megmaradt 2 érméjének az értékét összeadja, az egyik érméjét eldobja, és a helyére a közös készletből elvesz egy új érmét, aminek az értéke az előző kettőnek az összege volt. Nem elég tehát csak licitálgatni, fontos észben tartani, hogy az érméket fejleszteni kell, és ezek időzítésén is rengeteg múlhat.

    A játék másik aspektusa a szett gyűjtögetés. A törpék 5 klánba tartoznak, mindegyik más módon jelent győzelmi pontokat, ha viszont egy sort össze tud valaki állítani, tehát minden klánból van 1-1 tagja, azért értékes, erős hősre tehet szert. Minden újabb sor újabb hőst jelent, amit nem könnyű kivitelezni, viszont nem is mindig célravezető taktika csak a hősöket gyűjteni.




  • A KS FJORDS - JARL MEGÉRKEZETT! Itt tudod megnézni, hogy mit tartalmaz a KS JARL - KLIKK! Explore then claim the beautiful fjords of Norway in this refreshed modern classic! Fjords is a tile-laying game that takes place in two phases. First, the players explore the fjords around them by laying hexagonal landscape tiles. Second, beginning from the encampments placed during phase one, players will walk the landscape, claiming as much of the plains and cliffs as possible. The winner of the game will be the player who has claimed the most land. Savvy placements and the ability to plan ahead yet act tactically will be your most important tools. This new edition of Fjords differs from the original release in the following ways:
    • The game now plays up to four players.
    • The game contains five new variants/modules designed by Phil Walker-Harding. These add optional variety and flavor to the game.

    17 990 Ft
    KS SOLANI Szinte csak előrendelésre hozok belőle, 2021 decemberi megjelenés! Ha mégis maradna példány, akkor lesz a shopban KS példány.. Az előrendelés véglegesítése 2021 május elején-közepén történik, ekkor ki is számlázom az előrendelés összegét, mert ekkor én is megrendelem és kifizetem a példányodat az eredeti kiadónak. A játék készültségi fázisát és a friss híreket mindig megosztom majd a vagabund kiadó FB oldalán. Köszi a közreműködést! Itt tudod megnézni, hogy mit tartalmaz a KS SOLANI - KLIKK! Fill the night sky with beautiful constellations made of unique shaped tiles. Populate the night sky with beautiful constellations assembled from uniquely shaped tiles. Solani is an abstract tile-laying and drafting game for 1-4 players. Players will assemble constellations to be set into the sky, taking turns selecting two different shapes of tiles in a unique “double-headed” snake draft, before laying them onto their personal board. Properly connect the stars, observe the roaming planets, and correctly identify the placement of celestial bodies to complete your constellations puzzle in the best possible way. After twelve rounds of play, Coyote grows impatient; he grabs the edge of the buckskin rug and tosses the rest of the quartz skyward - creating the Milky Way. https://youtu.be/N_yZGg3NATY
  • KS THE GIRL WHO MADE THE STARS Szinte csak előrendelésre hozok belőle, 2021 decemberi megjelenés! Ha mégis maradna példány, akkor lesz a shopban KS példány is. Az előrendelés véglegesítése 2021 május elején-közepén történik, ekkor ki is számlázom az előrendelés összegét, mert ekkor én is megrendelem és kifizetem a példányodat az eredeti kiadónak. A játék készültségi fázisát és a friss híreket mindig megosztom majd a vagabund kiadó FB oldalán. Köszi a közreműködést! Itt tudod megnézni, hogy mit tartalmaz a KS SOLANI - KLIKK! A tile-laying game based on a San African myth about the creation of the stars. The girl reached into the wood ash and grabbed a palmful, and as she blew it from her palm, the ashes swirled and churned as they moved skyward, lighting up the once dark skies. The Girl who Made the Stars is a worker placement/tile-laying puzzle game for 1-4 players based on a San African myth about the creation of the milky way and the stars. In the time of the first people, the night sky was dark and featureless. The village elders prohibited venturing out into the dark starless night for fear of the dangers that lurked there. One night after her mother cooked dinner, a young girl, frustrated with these restrictions, took a bit of ash and roots and cast the red and white embers into the sky, forming the milky way and the other stars, in an attempt to illuminate the night so the villagers could safely collect resources necessary for their survival. As a village elder, gaze upon the new stars in the night sky and discern the forms of constellations to provide wisdom and illumination to the village. Draw constellations into the earth, with your depictions gaining light, stars, and stardust for the village. Then, as villagers guided by this newfound light, venture into the surrounding darkness to collect much needed resources, including fruit, fish, and small and large game. The resources you collect for the village will boost your reputation, and the player with the highest reputation at the end of the game is the winner. https://youtu.be/n1_MHXKf5DY    
  • 2023 októberében érkezik, az ár természetesen tájékoztató jellegű, csak azután tudom beállítani a pontos árat, miután minden költségre fény derült (beérkezéskor)! Szinte csak előrendelésre hozok belőle, kb 2022 júliusi megjelenés, csak a KS COLOSSUS deluxe pledge lesz és csak mindössze néhány db lesz készleten. Amikor kiderül a pontos összeg, akkor kiküldöm a Vagabund hírlevélben a pontos infókat, akkor be tudsz jelentkezni a játékra, megvárom a visszajelzéseket, akkor tudod majd indítani az előrendelésed - majd kiküldöm a díjbekérőket, mely befizetésével véglegesíted az előrendelést, és foglalod le a példányodat. Arra is lesz 1 hét, majd, ha ma marad példány, csak akkor teszem ki publikusan elérhetővé. A játék készültségi fázisát és a friss híreket mindig megosztom majd a vagabund kiadó FB oldalán. Köszi a közreműködést! Itt tudod megnézni, hogy mit tartalmaz a MOZAIC: A Story of Civilization KOLOSSUS pledge only KS edition - KLIKK! Tartalom:
    • Deluxe Kickstarter Exclusive Edition Includes Premium Edition Boardgame,
    • All Daily Unlocks, and Add-On Sets #1–4: (Metal Coins, Wood Tokens, Plastic Wonders Minis, Plastic Cities/Towns/Ports Minis, and Plastic Military Units Minis)
    A card drafting, engine building, civilization game. Mosaic: A Story of Civilization is a Civilization-Building game from Glenn Drover, designer of Age of Empires IIIRailways of the WorldSid Meier’s Civilization: The Boardgame, and Raccoon Tycoon. Mosaic is an action selection game. On your turn, you will perform one of seven actions:
    • Learn a New Technology (select a card from the Technology Offer)
    • Found a New City or Town, or Build a Project (select a card from the Build Offer and pay the cost in stone, ideas, and population)
    • Build a Wonder (select one of the available Wonder Tiles and pay Stone and Food)
    • Recruit or Move Military Units (pay money and add Military Units or move those that you already have)
    • Increase your civilization’s Population (select a card from the Population Growth offer and pay food)
    • Produce Key Currencies used to purchase everything in the game (Produce one of: Food, Stone, or Ideas by adding your Population to your bonus in that currency type)
    • Trade or Tax to raise Money, which is the Universal Currency (select a card from the Trade/ Tax offer)
    All Technologies and Projects give your Civilization unique abilities, as well as symbols that represent the increase in one of the 9 Components of Civilization:
    • Science – All learning
    • Economy
    • Food Production
    • Population/ Health
    • Building
    • Culture
    • Government
    • Military/ Empire
    • Urbanization
    Acquiring these Components is important in creating the unique mosaic of your civilization. They are used as prerequisites for many new technologies, as well as for scoring. Also, by pursuing specialization in one or more Civilization Components, you may be able to claim a ‘Golden Age’ of that type. As the game goes on and your Civilization grows, scoring cards are eventually revealed from the four decks. Each time a scoring card is revealed, your Civilization will score for each region that you dominate with your cities and military units. After the third scoring card is revealed, there is one final turn and the game ends. You will then score for your cities and towns, your wonders, projects, and golden ages, and for all of your cards that score for your unique Civilization Components. https://youtu.be/5XNsPtiYBlE
    https://youtu.be/C-lwiR2_dkM https://youtu.be/_sUmxur2Bhw  
  • A GENTLE Rain

    9 990 Ft

    Vegyél egy mély lélegzetet és pihenj...

    Azzal a reménnyel érkezel a tópartra, hogy egy ritka és gyönyörű látvány fogad majd. A liliomok a tó felszínén csak esőben nyílnak, és csak ritkán virágzik mind a nyolc különböző liliom egyszerre. A Lágy eső (Gentle Rain játék) célja, hogy a tólapkákat úgy helyezzük le az asztalra, hogy mind a nyolc liliom virágozzon, mielőtt elfogynának a viráglapocskák és az elállna az eső.

    A lapkákat egymás mellé kell lehelyezned úgy, hogy a lapkák szélei passzoljanak színben egymáshoz, ahányszor ez sikerül, egy liliom ki fog nyílni!
    Nyugalma és szép egyszemélyes játék :-)



  • Coffee Traders

    47 990 Ft

    MSRP: 120 USD
    Develop coffee regions around the world while building your coffee trading network!

    Thousands of coffee farmers all over the world support their families by using small stretches of hillside land for their coffee plantations. Farmers work day in and day out for very little, but the future of coffee farming is bright. Fair Trade organizations strive to improve living conditions for these farmers by helping them set up cooperatives. This enables them to establish better pricing agreements and take out loans for new plantations, all to help provide education and improve the quality of their lives, families, societies, and environment.

    In Coffee Traders, set in 1970s Central and South America, Africa, and Asia, the delicious Arabica coffee beans farmers harvest are sold in Antwerp — and all over the world — to coffee roasters large and small. Work with your competitors to develop the regions you see fit for the best coffee beans while keeping a watchful eye on the market. Construct buildings to help your Fair Trade coffee plantations thrive while enhancing your network for trading coffee. Will your plantations fall to ruin, or will you rise to the top and become the world's greatest coffee trader?



  • Ígéretes euro típusú játéknak tűnik, a szerző egy matematikus, aki az unalmas üzleti utazások estéin kezdett el gondolkodni egy társasjátékon és ez lett belőle! 😀 Ez az első megjelent játéka, sokat segítette neki, hogy fia született, aki nem hagyta aludni, és így ráért ötletelni álmatlan éjszakáin... 😉

    MSRP: 42.90 €

    A játékban egy gyárat irányítunk és mérnököket alkalmazunk, akik versenyt futnak az idővel, mert a felépített rendszer gyorsan korrodálódik, kivéve persze, ha több pénzt fektetünk króm fogaskerekekbe és krómozott gépekbe... vagyis ez egy ötletes engine-building game, melyben a felépített "motort" csak limitált ideig tudod használni, vagyis mindig új és új "motort" kell építened...

    Build temporary engines and put them to good use before your machines and gears rust.

    In Corrosion, each of you manages a factory and deploys engineers to build up diversified scoring and production engines. In the steam-filled air, however, your biggest enemy is time because most machines and gears rust away quickly, so you are well advised to also produce chrome gears and invest in rustproof and powerful chrome machines.

    On your turn, you can either play an engineer card or turn the corrosion wheel of your factory:

    • Playing engineers mostly gains you new machines and qualified engineers. Other players can copy your engineer's action by playing an engineer of the same suit but a higher grade.
    • Turning your corrosion wheel puts your machines to work and returns engineers to your hand, but also causes old gears and machines to rust.

    To be successful, you must cleverly co-ordinate your engineers and corrosion wheel and smoothly shift from one efficient engine to the next.

    The game end is triggered once the special point supply or the award supply run out. Then, whoever was able to score the most points with their machines and awards wins.

    ...és már itt is van Szekeres Feri szuper bemutatója és részletes játékszabály magyarázó videója a Corrosion-ról -  jó játékot! :-)



  • Dwarf heroes take turns drafting custom dice from a unique mountain component!

    Kellemes, gyors és szórakoztató kis kockajáték :) - magyar nyelvű videó és letölthető magyar szabályt is találsz az oldalon!

    The Dwarves once lived beneath three mighty mountains. After centuries of war they defeated their age-old enemies the Dragons. Moving to the surface, the Dwarves built magnificent cities and won renown for their heartening beer.

    But the Dragons have returned. Now, the Dwarves must remember their roots, clear old tunnels, and return to ancient caverns while fighting their primeval foes.

    In each of three rounds, custom dice are rolled onto the mountain. You are a Dwarf hero, drafting dice for your hoard. Scores are tallied after each round before you re-roll your dice and the mountain is refilled.

    Ultimately, Dice Miner is a game about drafting the dice you covet, adding them to your hoard, and pushing your luck to build massive combos and score as many points as you can.

    ...és már itt is van Szekeres Feri bemutatója! Jó játékot!



  • Build the great ancient city of Ur.

    Sokunk kedvence, Daniele Tascini ÚJ játéka (Tzolkin, The Voyages of Marco Polo I-II., Teotichuacan: City of Gods, Tekhenu) - tavaly esseni megjelenés, meg is érkezett a shopba!

    Set in ancient Mesopotamia, a cradle of civilization, at a time when the location of Ur was a coastal region, players work to build the Great City of Ur, expand its districts, and establish themselves as powerful builders.

    Tabannusi: Builders of Ur features a stunning board showing the city of Ur divided into 5 regions, each tied to a specific color die. There are 3 building districts, 1 temple district, and 1 port district.

    Each turn, your worker will activate one of these districts. When activating a district, you must first take a die from the district. This die matches the color of the district and serves two functions:

    1) The die itself becomes a resource of its color.
    2) The value of the die determines which district your worker will activate on the following turn.

    Through various actions you will be able to expand your influence in the various districts, expanding construction sites and turning them into buildings to score valuable victory points. But you will also exert your influence in the temple district in order to earn the king's favor. In the port district you can obtain ships with important abilities and for scoring victory points.

    You must spend your actions wisely and always make sure that you keep an eye on the general timing of the game. The moment a district is emptied of dice, a scoring will occur.


  • Rare powers are flying high in the sky, ready to claim the throne. With all living things thrifting in the sky, each minor adjustment can turn the world upside down. All outer factions are seen as a threat. The sky creatures fly as fast as the wind, have extremely rare powers and are best when acting alone. Are you ready for this new era of war? https://youtu.be/uGk4LZ0RaiM  
  • The sea gives and takes. Now the forces of the deepsea are preparing for war. The enormous effect of the sun on the realm has been recognized since the dawn of time and it is by far the most important source of energy for life. The sun worshippers have always been neutral. Until now… They are fierce, heroic and strong. With the sunlight at their back they will be unstoppable. https://youtu.be/uGk4LZ0RaiM  
  • Strong forces from the sand lands are ready to fight. The enormous effect of the sun on the realm has been recognized since the dawn of time and it is by far the most important source of energy for life. The sun worshippers have always been neutral. Until now… They are fierce, heroic and strong. With the sunlight at their back they will be unstoppable. Note: This is an expansion. You need CLAIM or CLAIM2 to play the game. https://youtu.be/uGk4LZ0RaiM  
  • Fire and Stone

    12 790 Ft

    Beérkezett Klaus-Jürgen Wrede (Carcassone, Bali, Rapa Nui, stb) új  játéka!

    Scout new lands, harvest nuts and mushrooms and finally build villages!

    In Fire & Stone, players lead their tribe through the Stone Age. They scout new lands, harvest nuts and mushrooms, and finally build villages. The aim of the game is to have the most successful tribe by exploring new lands, building huts, and gathering resources. With the invention of new tools and techniques like ship building or pottery, the expansion of your tribe can even be accelerated.

    Each space the scouts can enter contains upside-down discover tokens. When a scout moves on one of those tokens for the first time, the token is revealed and triggers an effect. From now on these tokens can be used as a player action with a different effect. By the end of the game, the player who made the most victory points with villages and accomplishing tasks wins.


  • A game of collecting and connecting memories -- how you remember them is everything!

    Every stick is a sword. Every bike is a steed. Every memory is a possibility.

    In Vivid Memories, you’ll take turns collecting fragments of childhood memories, weaving a tapestry of colored threads in your mind. Throughout your journey, you’ll store important moments in your memory bank -- gaining new abilities to help you score.

    Cleverly create connections and earn rewards for completing core memories, matching the imagination behind each moment, and working toward your lifelong aspirations for victory.


    During the game, players take turns collecting fragments of memories from moment tiles, placing them in their "brain" board to weave a tapestry of colored threads. Using abilities at the end of each round to cleverly create connections, players are rewarded for how they store memory fragments while working toward completing “core memories”, which give repeated benefits each round. Through their journey, players store important moments in their memory bank -- gaining new abilities and new opportunities to score -- all while working to collect fragments and moments that match what they aspire to be.



  • Univerzális fémpénzek, tartalom:

    • 25 db 1-es értékű érme (20 mm -es átmérő, 1,2 mm vastagság és 3,5 g súly - koronaérme)
    • 15 db 5 -ös értékű érme (halvány ezüst, 25 mm átmérő, 1,5 mm vastagság és 6,5 g súly)
    • 10 db érme 20 értékben (küldött arany, 30 mm átmérő, 2 mm vastagság és 8 g súly - húsz korona)
  • Builders use their skill to build this historic railway line in time for the Olympics.

    The Tōkaidō line of the Shinkansen began being built in 1959 with the aim of inaugurating the fastest train of the time, just before the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.

    In Shinkansen: Zero Kei, players take on the role of its builders. They will take charge of constructing this historic railway line and all its corresponding stations. They can also help the Olympic venues in their preparation for the Games. The player who proves themselves to be the most efficient in their role will be declared the winner.

    In each round of a game of Shinkansen, you will build your own bullet train, each carriage card you add to your train will provide you with an action or an ability. These actions will mainly allow you to build tracks and stations, collaborate in the preparation of the Olympic venues and obtain new carriage cards. The carriage cards are associated with cities through which the line passes. If you manage to build them in the correct order you will be rewarded in victory points. After five rounds, corresponding to the five-year construction of the line, the player with the most victory points wins.




  • 2023 októberében érkezik, az ár természetesen tájékoztató jellegű, csak azután tudom beállítani a pontos árat, miután minden költségre fény derült (beérkezéskor)! Előrendelhető ez a különleges játék - korlátozott példányszámot kapok belőle! SENJUTSU: Battle for Japan -  KS All-In Deluxe Pledge KS [With Inkdrop Effect] - KLIKK! A Prémium kiadás +80 db extra fa jelölőt is tartalmaz! (40 db nyersanyagjelölő és 40 db életjelző tokent) + A játékhoz elméletileg AJÁNDÉK MAGYAR NYELVŰ SZABÁLYT is adunk! + úgy tudom, hogy 8 kg lesz a doboz, szóval lesz benne tartalom, bőven... :) Includes: 1x Senjutsu Core Set 1x Senjutsu Deluxe Components 1x The Ghost In The Night Add-On 1x The Shadow Under The Steel Add-On 1x The Gathering Storm Add-On 1x When Two Worlds Collide Add-On 1x The Wolf At The Door Add-On 1x Senjutsu Legends: Musashi and Kojirō Add-On 1x The Winds Of Change: Solo Narrative Campaign #2 3× Sleeve Packs (360 each) 1x Quad-fold XL 'Daimyo's Castle' Board 1x Limited Edition Senjutsu Big Box Senjutsu is a 1-4 Player Samurai Duelling Game with slick Deck Construction mechanics, simultaneous reveal combat and beautiful miniatures from a panel of sculptors. Control 1 of 4 fearsome Samurai, warriors bound to the Bushido Code, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. Using Senjutsu's Deck Construction Mechanics, forge a unique deck of devastating attacks, powerful blocks, timely mediations, and dynamic special moves. The intuitive card-classifying system makes forging your Samurai’s Ability Deck easy. The Core Box includes dozens of different Ability Cards to shape your chosen Samurai's fighting style. There are thousands of possible deck combinations available, Gameplay Summary: - Position your Samurai on the Battlefield. - Draw a hand of Ability Cards from your 40 Card Ability Deck. - Choose an Ability Card to use and place it facedown with the opponent's card. - Reveal the cards simultaneously and check the initiatives. - Resolve the card and its effects. Any Samurai who takes 5 wounds will fall... leaving the vanquisher victorious. Mit jelent egy Kickstarter deluxe kiadás? Csupán egyszeri, újra soha nem kiadott, különleges megjelenés, mely azon játékokosok számára készül, akik szeretnek elmerülni egy játék szépségében. Különleges fa jelölők, vastagabb kartonok, jobb minőségű kártyák és sok más olyan extra játéktartozék is, melyek csak a KS PREMIUM kiadásba kerülnek bele… – ez mind olyan különlegesség, amelyek a későbbi normál, boltban is kapható retail kiadásokból már kispórolják a gyártók a nagyobb profit miatt. Miért érdemes a Kickstarter deluxe kiadásokat megszerezni? Az egyediségük miatt mindig értékesek maradnak, a sima, tömeggyártott kiadásokkal szemben, ezért a Vagabund szinte mindig a KS deluxe kiadásokat próbálja hozni a játékosoknak (ha nem brutálisan túlározott...) – hiszen alapvetően én is csak egy társasjáték rajongó vagyok 🙂
    A játék minimálisan NYELVFÜGGŐ 😉😀
    Az előrendelés véglegesítése folyamatosan történik, de legkésőbb május közepén ki is számlázom a kedvezményes előrendelés összegét - küldeni fogok egy díjbekérőt, mely befizetésével tudod véglegesíteni az előrendelésed - ekkor én is megrendelem és kifizetem a példányodat az eredeti kiadónak. A játék készültségi fázisát és a friss híreket mindig megosztom majd a vagabund kiadó FB oldalán. Itt tudod megnézni, hogy mit tartalmaz a játék Deluxe kiadása: 2023 júniusában érkezik az összes elért strech goal-lal együtt! KLIKK! A játék készültségi fázisát és a friss híreket mindig megosztom majd a vagabund kiadó FB oldalán. Köszi a közreműködést! https://youtu.be/Y60JRQiXKPU  


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