• FJORDS - retail edition! Explore then claim the beautiful fjords of Norway in this refreshed modern classic! Fjords is a tile-laying game that takes place in two phases. First, the players explore the fjords around them by laying hexagonal landscape tiles. Second, beginning from the encampments placed during phase one, players will walk the landscape, claiming as much of the plains and cliffs as possible. The winner of the game will be the player who has claimed the most land. Savvy placements and the ability to plan ahead yet act tactically will be your most important tools. This new edition of Fjords differs from the original release in the following ways:
    • The game now plays up to four players.
    • The game contains five new variants/modules designed by Phil Walker-Harding. These add optional variety and flavor to the game.
  • A 2020-as Feld játék kiegészítője, tőle szokatlan mechanikával! Gnomes reinvigorate ancient trees and seek the help of mighty creatures. On Asperia, every day is unique and brings surprising events that constantly change the life and work of the gnomefolk. Now ancient trees have been reinvigorated by the guardians, while the gnomes seek the help of mysterious and mighty creatures. In Bonfire: Trees & Creatures, the story continues, with players being able to expand the base game with three modules that can be combined with one another, in addition to being able to add a fifth player. Players can expand their city by acquiring and placing tree tiles above their path tiles, unlocking useful bonuses and new ways to score at the end of the game. At the beginning of the game, each player drafts a creature card with a unique ability. Every time the player who began the game places a new fate tile, a new event card that changes a certain rule is drawn and affects all players. The bonfires are sources of light, energy and warmth created by the guardians of light in order to brighten the cities on the otherwise dark planet. The residents of the cities however, took the bonfires for granted and exploited them for their personal gain. Disappointed the guardians of light retreated and let the bonfires extinguish. The citizens could no longer live in the now dark cities and were forced to leave. You are a group of gnomes living close to the cities and you also need and the light of the bonfires. Missing it now, you try yourself to visit the cities and learn how to ignite the bonfires once again: You must visit the guardians of light on their holy islands and ask for tasks to prove your good will. For each completed task, they will re-ignite one extinguished bonfire. Whoever manages to earn the greatest trust from the guardians and manages to brighten their city the most will win the game. Game-play: The engine for the game are the three-coloured tiles you will be puzzling onto your player board. When you manage to place the same colours adjacent to one another, you will receive more action tiles of that specific kind. This will allow you to specialize in certain types of actions and pursue different strategies. You can use the tiles to perform the following actions: - Move your ship to an island - Receive a task from an island by spending two resources - Invite a guardian of light into your city - Trigger a procession of guardians through your city and gain resources. - Add a landscape tile to your city (this is where the processions take place) - Recruit a gnome gaining a special ability or victory points - Find support by the last bonfire, gaining portals, resources or action tiles You will play in turn order until a fixed number of tasks has been solved, after which each player has 5 more turns. During final scoring, you will receive points for your completed tasks (the bonfires) and any improvements made there (portals, landscapes or guardians). https://youtu.be/AW5TcWpSd88
  • ♠️ PARKS

    22 990 Ft 21 841 Ft
    PARKS Fedezd fel Észak-Amerika Nemzeti Parkjait a PARKS-ban, egy ötletes és folyamatosan változó túraútvonal segítségével! PARKS is a celebration of our National Parks featuring illustrious art from Fifty-Nine Parks. In PARKS, players will take on the role of two hikers as they trek through different trails across four seasons of the year. While on the trail, these hikers will take actions and collect memories of the places your hikers visit. These memories are represented by various resource tokens like mountains and forests. Collecting these memories in sets will allow players to trade them in to visit a National Park at the end of each hike. Each trail represents one season of the year, and each season, the trails will change and grow steadily longer. The trails, represented by tiles, get shuffled in between each season and laid out anew for the next round. Resources can be tough to come by especially when someone is at the place you’re trying to reach! Campfires allow you to share a space and time with other hikers. Canteens and Gear can also be used to improve your access to resources through the game. It’ll be tough to manage building up your engine versus spending resources on parks, but we bet you’re up to the challenge. Welcome to PARKS! 💎 VIP VAGABUND akció: Ha szeretnél az előrendelésedhez adni további VAGABUND társasjátékokat szuperkedvezményesen, most megteheted! Keresd a VIP VAGABUND logóval ellátott játékokat, és tedd a kosárba! 1 db VIP VAGABUND logós társasjáték esetén a kedvezmény -5%, 2 db VIP VAGABUND logós játék esetén -10% a kedvezmény MINDKÉT játékra, 3 db VIP VAGABUND logós társasjáték esetén pedig immáron -15% a kedvezmény MINDHÁROM játékra! https://youtu.be/T52GEVDEQNg https://youtu.be/hG8VtH4mnoc  
  • Use magic, money, and might to recruit citizens, defeat monsters, and conquer lands!

    The land of Valeria is under siege by hordes of monsters. You and your fellow Dukes must recruit citizens and buy domains to build up your kingdoms and slay the foul creatures that lurk in the surrounding lands.

    Valeria: Card Kingdoms is a tableau-building game for 1-5 players and will feel familiar to deck-building fans. The cards you buy can work for you on your turn and on all the other player turns, as well. On your turn, roll two dice and activate citizen cards with the result of each individual die and the sum of both dice. Other players will simultaneously activate their citizen cards based on the roll. Next, take two actions from the following: slay a monster, recruit a citizen, buy a domain, or take 1 of any resource. The player with the most victory points at the end wins the game.

    Darkness looms upon the Kingdom of Valeria. Werewolves, Vampires, and other shadowy creatures reach out in the night to tear apart your people. But never fear, new Citizens have joined the fray - some specializing in taking out these dark creatures!

    Valeria: Card Kingdoms – Shadowvale brings in a whole new set of Citizens, Monsters, Domains, and Dukes that you can play stand-alone using components from the base game, or mix with card stacks from the base game for all new experiences.



    15 000 Ft

    MEGÉRKEZETT Alexander Pfister (Királyi áru, Port Royal, Great Western Trail, Mombasa, stb) ÚJ JÁTÉKA!
    Ígéretes játéknak tűnik, és magyar nyelvű játékszabályt adunk ajándékba az első 25 vásárlónak!
    A MAGYAR játékszabály már le is tölthető!

    Kifutó termék!
    MSRP: 59.90 €

    Építs fel egy új életközösséget Boonlake-ben!

    Végre magad mögött hagytad a civilizációt és megérkezel Boonlake-be, ebbe a festői környezetbe, ahol csupán egy maroknyi ember él. Tó partja szinte még lakatlan, a terület és a gyönyörű vidék rengeteg lehetőséget kínál arra, hogy kialakítsd az új élettered.
    A játékban minden körben akciót választasz, mely előnyeiből mindenki részesül: felfedezés, letelepedés, marhatenyésztés, korszerűsítés, építkezés, hajózás...
    Milyen célt tűzöl ki magad elé? A jobb élet Boonlake-ben csak rajtad múlik...

    Boonlake is an expert game in which you are finding yourself improving your life — and your group's life — in this new territory...but how you accomplish this is completely up to you! Due to a novel action mechanism, each game progresses differently. Each action needs to be considered carefully since the other players also benefit from the action you choose. Besides this, the action determines how far you may move your ship — the further and faster, the better!

    Among many other components, the abundant game materials include 4 double-layer player boards, 165 project cards, and more than 120 wooden pieces.



  • Swim over tiles and collect them, but don't drown!

    A group of poor explorers hoping to get rich quickly heads out to recover treasures from some undersea ruins. They're all rivals, but their budgets force them all to share a single rented submarine. In the rented submarine, they all have to share a single tank of air, as well. If they don't get back to the sub before they run out of air, they'll drop all their treasure. Now it's time to see who can bring home the greatest riches.

    Game Objective
    The game takes place over 3 rounds, and the player to gain the most points over the 3 rounds is the winner. In order to gain points, you must bring the most ruins chips back to the submarine. You can only return to the submarine once per round, and you cannot progress more after returning. You cannot return to the submarine without bringing any ruins chips.

    Turn Progression
    On their turns, players conduct steps 1-4 listed below. Players take turns, going clockwise around the board, and the round ends when all players have returned to the submarine, or if the air runs out at the beginning of someone's turn.

    1) Declare if you will turn back or not.
    2) Reduce air.
    3) Roll the dice and advance your game piece.
    4) Search. (When you have stopped moving, select one of A-C below)
    A) Do nothing.
    B) Pick up ruins chip.
    C) Place a ruins chip.


  • Invest in startups but beware - you only make money by controlling popular companies!

    There are six companies that will change the world as we know it! You can be part of their success and be an investor. Try to become rich by making the right decisions!

    Only the biggest investor can get money out of each company. You must try to read the next steps of your rivals and use your capital and your three hidden cards to win against them and become the biggest shareholder!

    You have to be lucky in this game but you must also think about your moves and analyze your rivals! You can play this card game with only a few players but also with many!


  • ♠️ Scout

    8 490 Ft

    Spiel das Jahres jelölt kártyajáték - beérkezett újra!

    Kellemes, taktikus, kombinatív, gyors kis kártyajáték a shopban, igazi csemegének ígérkezik, úgy tűnik, nem véletlenül lett Spiel des Jahres ajánlott játék!🙂
    Minden körben 3 dolgot kell eldöntened, építed a kezedben lévő kombinációkat, kijátszol egy erősebb kombinációt, mint a már játékban lévő, vagy mindkettő akciót választod, de ezt csak egyszer a játékban! Egy vérbeli szórakoztató kártyajáték, amely mindössze 30 percig tart és az egész család játszhatja! 🙂

    SCOUT egy ladder climbing mechanizmusra épülő játék, ami azt jelenti, hogy a soron következő játékosnak kötelező az előző játékosénál erősebb lapkombinációt kijátszania. A kártyáknak két lehetséges értéke van, a játékosok nem rendezhetik át a lapjaikat, de passzolhatnak, hogy az aktuális lapkészletből lapot vegyenek a kezükbe.
    A kártyák kettős indexelésűek, a kártya alján és tetején más-más érték található, és a 45 kártya az 1-től 10-ig terjedő számok összes lehetséges kombinációját tartalmazza. Az előkészületek során annak, aki a kártyákat keveri, véletlenszerűen kell kiválasztania a kártyák sorrendjét a pakliban csakúgy, mint a tájolásukat. Miután minden játékosnak kiosztották a lapjait, felveszik azokat anélkül, hogy a kártyákat átrendeznék; ha akarják, a teljes kártyaleosztásukat elforgathatják, hogy a kártyák másik végén lévő értékeket használhassák, de, ismételten, a kezükben lévő kártyák sorrendjét nem rendezhetik át.
    A körében a játékos a következő két akció egyikét hajthatja végre:
    • Kijátszás: A játékos választ egy vagy több szomszédos kártyát a kezéből, amelyek mindegyike azonos értékű, vagy amelyek értékei egymás utáni (akár növekvő, akár csökkenő) sorrendben vannak, majd a választott lapo(ka)t kijátssza. Ezt csak akkor teheti meg, ha az asztal üres (mint az első körben), vagy az általa kijátszott szett magasabb rangú, mint a jelenleg az asztalon lévő készlet; egy készlet magasabb, ha több kártyából áll, vagy azonos értékű lapjai vannak egymás után következő kártyák helyett, vagy ha azonos mennyiségű és típusú, de magasabb értékű lapok alkotják. Ez utóbbi esetben, amikor egy játékos elüt egy kombinációt, elviszi az előző készlet kártyáit, és képpel lefelé maga elé teszi.

    • Felderítés: A játékos elvesz egy kártyát az asztalon lévő készlet bármelyik végéről, és a kezébe helyezi bárhová, bármelyik tájolásban. Aki ezt az előző szettet játszotta, 1 GYP jelzőt kap jutalmul, mert olyan szettet játszott, amelyet nem vittek el.
    Körönként egyszer egy játékos mindkét akcióval élhet, azaz felderíthet, majd azonnal kijátszhat egy szettet.
    Amikor egy játékos kijátszotta a kezéből az összes kártyát, vagy egy kivételével mindenki a felderítés akciót választotta kijátszás helyett, a kör véget ér. A játékosok minden lefelé fordított kártyáért 1 GYP-t kapnak, majd minden kezükben lévő kártyáért levonnak egy pontot (kivéve azt a játékost, aki eredetileg a legerősebb kombinációt játszotta ki, és az visszaért hozzá). A játék annyi körből áll, ahány játékos van, és az nyer, akinek a végén a legtöbb pontja van.




  • MORE POWER! Or, y'know, different power plants. Power Grid: The New Power Plants – Set 2 is a complete set of power plant cards for Power Grid offering two variants to play:
    • in place of the original deck
    • paired with the original deck (to make for an unpredictable mix)
  • MORE POWER! Or, y'know, different power plants. This deck is a complete set of power plant cards for Power Grid that can be used with any of the maps:
    • in place of the original deck
    • paired with the original deck (to make for an unpredictable mix)
    • cards added to the original deck (to make the game as long as "Funkenschlag", game will end at 20 cities)
    • in custom mixture of the two decks (to create specialized decks)
    This set of cards has green borders to distinguish them easily from the original set of power plant cards.  

    15 990 Ft

    Through card play and resource management, contribute to the rise of the Zapotec!

    The Zapotec were a pre-Columbian civilization that flourished in the Valley of Oaxaca in Mesoamerica. Archaeological evidence reveal their culture going back at least 2,500 years. Remnants of the ancient city of Monte Albán in the form of buildings, ball courts, magnificent tombs, and finely worked gold jewelry testify of this once great civilization. Monte Albán was one of the first major cities in Mesoamerica and the center of the Zapotec state that dominated much of the territory that today belongs to the Mexican state of Oaxaca.

    In a game of Zapotec, you build temples, cornfields and villages in the three valleys surrounding the capital to generate resources needed for building pyramids, making sacrifices to the gods, and performing rituals.

    Each round, players simultaneously pick a card from their hand to determine their turn order and the resources they collect. Players then perform individual turns and spend resources to build new houses, gain access to special abilities, make sacrifices to the gods and build pyramids. The played action card determines three important aspects of each player's turn:

    • The resource printed at the top of the card determines the row or column to activate on the resource grid to collect income.
    • The icon in the middle of the card matches one of the nine properties of the building spaces on the map (one of three building types, one of three regions, or one of three terrain types). On their turn, players may build only on spaces that match that icon.
    • The number at the bottom of the card dictates the turn order for the round when the card is played.

    At the end of the round, players draft new cards from the central offer, with the final undrafted card becoming the scoring bonus card for the following round.

    After five rounds, players score points for pyramids, for their position on the sacrifice track, and for their ritual cards. The player with the most victory points wins.


  • ♠️ COUP

    6 990 Ft
    You are head of a family in an Italian city-state, a city run by a weak and corrupt court. You need to manipulate, bluff and bribe your way to power. Your object is to destroy the influence of all the other families, forcing them into exile. Only one family will survive... In Coup, you want to be the last player with influence in the game, with influence being represented by face-down character cards in your playing area. Each player starts the game with two coins and two influence – i.e., two face-down character cards; the fifteen card deck consists of three copies of five different characters, each with a unique set of powers:
    • Duke: Take three coins from the treasury. Block someone from taking foreign aid.
    • Assassin: Pay three coins and try to assassinate another player's character.
    • Contessa: Block an assassination attempt against yourself.
    • Captain: Take two coins from another player, or block someone from stealing coins from you.
    • Ambassador: Draw two character cards from the Court (the deck), choose which (if any) to exchange with your face-down characters, then return two. Block someone from stealing coins from you.
    On your turn, you can take any of the actions listed above, regardless of which characters you actually have in front of you, or you can take one of three other actions:
    • Income: Take one coin from the treasury.
    • Foreign aid: Take two coins from the treasury.
    • Coup: Pay seven coins and launch a coup against an opponent, forcing that player to lose an influence. (If you have ten coins or more, you must take this action.)
    When you take one of the character actions – whether actively on your turn, or defensively in response to someone else's action – that character's action automatically succeeds unless an opponent challenges you. In this case, if you can't (or don't) reveal the appropriate character, you lose an influence, turning one of your characters face-up. Face-up characters cannot be used, and if both of your characters are face-up, you're out of the game. If you do have the character in question and choose to reveal it, the opponent loses an influence, then you shuffle that character into the deck and draw a new one, perhaps getting the same character again and perhaps not. The last player to still have influence – that is, a face-down character – wins the game! A new & optional character called the Inquisitor has been added (currently, the only English edition with the Inquisitor included is the Kickstarter Version from Indie Boards & Cards. Copies in stores may not be the Kickstarter versions and may only be the base game). The Inquisitor character cards may be used to replace the Ambassador cards.
    • Inquisitor: Draw one character card from the Court deck and choose whether or not to exchange it with one of your face-down characters. OR Force an opponent to show you one of their character cards (their choice which). If you wish it, you may then force them to draw a new card from the Court deck. They then shuffle the old card into the Court deck. Block someone from stealing coins from you.
  • A társasjáték estek elmaradhatatlan kelléke, enélkül nem indul a játék! :) Tejkaramella Omlós Mester-Sweet 200g Összetevők:cukor, glükózszirup,margarin, növényi olajok és zsírok (pálma, repce és napraforgó változó arányban) víz, só, emulgálószerek:szójalecitin és E471, étkezési sav (citromsav) természetes aroma, színezék (karotinok) zsíros Tejpor (8.7%), kristályvanillin. Átlagos tápérték 100g termékben energia 1783kj/423kcal zsír 11g ebből zsír 6g szénhidrát 79g ebből cukor 72g fehérje 2,4g Só 0,2g
  • A társasjáték estek elmaradhatatlan kelléke, enélkül nem indul a játék! :) Tejkaramella Omlós Mester-Sweet 200g Összetevők:cukor, glükózszirup,margarin, növényi olajok és zsírok (pálma, repce és napraforgó változó arányban) víz, só, emulgálószerek:szójalecitin és E471, étkezési sav (citromsav) természetes aroma, színezék (karotinok) zsíros Tejpor (8.7%), kristályvanillin. Átlagos tápérték 100g termékben energia 1783kj/423kcal zsír 11g ebből zsír 6g szénhidrát 79g ebből cukor 72g fehérje 2,4g Só 0,2g
  • Egy klasszikus és klassz Knizia kockajáték!


    • 2006 Golden Geek Best Light / Party Game Nominee
    • 2006 Golden Geek Best Kids' Board Game Nominee
    • 2005 Kinderspielexperten "8-to-13-year-olds" Nominee
    • 2005 Japan Boardgame Prize Best Foreign Game for Beginners
    • 2005 Deutscher Lernspielpreis "6 years and up" Nominee

    Roll those bones, push your luck and secure your stash of worms!

    Two to seven players, ages 8 and up try to obtain fried worms for their chickens, so that they don't go hungry. Of course, anyone who doesn't manage to grab a worm off of the grill can help himself to those of his opponents. This fast-paced game by Reiner Knizia is, like Hick Hack im Gackelwack, a gambling game in the finest chicken tradition."

    Each turn players roll their dice and set aside all those matching any single value. The remaining dice are rolled and any value is set aside again until the player stops and takes a tile or busts and puts their last tile back. When a player busts and fails to take a tile they must also turn the highest tile face-down.



  • Az falkakavezér elpusztult, vajon ki lesz a legalkalmasabb arra, hogy vezesse a falkát, ki lesz az új alfahím?

    Guided by the law of Tooth & Claw, the wolves now fight for the crown!

    In this card-driven strategy game, you and your friends make up the Badland Wolf Pack. The old Alpha has died; guided by the law of Tooth and Claw, it's every wolf for themselves as you compete to be crowned the new Alpha of the Badlands. To gain the allegiance of the pack, players will lead and join dangerous hunts for scrap cards that will be used in battles for each other's loyalty tokens. The first wolf to capture enough loyalties for the allegiance of the pack will win the game.


    To lead a HUNT on your turn, you must risk a loyalty token you hold (other wolves may join in the hunt by doing the same). Once the hunting group is determined, the lead hunter draws a hunt card and resolves the outcome of the hunt by deciding how to allocate the SCRAPS among the hunting party. But beware! These hunts are dangerous depending on the animal you encounter and can end with stolen loyalties, lost scraps, and more!

    SCRAPS are action cards that are collected and shared as the spoils of successful hunts. Instead of leading a hunt on your turn, you can attack another wolf with your scrap cards in order to capture one of their loyalty tokens; however, they can also defend themselves using their own scrap hand.

    Capturing three of a player’s five loyalty tokens will make them ALLEGIANT to you and unlock in-game benefits. The first player to hold the allegiance of two other wolves will win the game and be crowned Alpha of the Badland pack!


  • Paris: Eiffel

    7 990 Ft

    In Paris Eiffel you can play and admire the most beautiful monuments of the city.

    The tower built by architect Gustave Eiffel rises high above Paris, announcing the inauguration of the Universal Exposition. There are those who define it as a monstrous iron cyclops and others as the first step into modern architecture. There is no doubt it will leave very few indifferent.

    Paris Eiffel is an expansion of Paris: La cité de la lumière. There are eight new action postcards that provide far more variability in the game. The postcards are accompanied by a series of die-cut figures that will add a spectacular third dimension to your Paris.

    In this expansion you will visit Parisian marvels such as the Arc de Triomphe, the obelisk of Luxor, Louvre Museum, and naturally, the Eiffel Tower.


  • Destroy your opponent's mech in this wargame!


    It is the dawn of the thirty-first century. You are a MechWarrior: master of a multi-ton, towering avatar of destruction that is the culmination of more than 3,000 years of battlefield technology development. A precious heirloom passed from parent to child across centuries, an unassailable mark of your station. Whether a soldier-of-fortune or a true-blue patriot, you drop into hot zones across a thousand worlds to expand the star-spanning empire of one of the noble Great Houses. BattleTech is the world's greatest armored combat game. Inside this box you'll discover epic clashes, dynamic characters, and a myriad of gaming experiences for any type of player: miniatures to RPG play, hobby painting to fiction, and beyond. A Game of Armored Combat includes everything you need to start tossing dice and moving miniatures on your gaming table. Do you have what it takes to plant the banner of victory and become a legend? Leap into the action and find out! CONTENTS
    • 8 high-quality, fully assembled (unpainted) miniatures
    • 56-page Rulebook
    • 16-page Record Sheet Booklet
    • 16-page Universe Primer
    • 24 page fiction novella
    • 8 Pilot Cards
    • heavy-stock reference sheet
    • Two 18" x 22" full-color paper maps (double-sided)
    • Punchboard of additional BattleMechs and terrain
    • 2 dice
        In this introduction to the BattleTech game and universe, players each take control of one or more giant walking war machines (BattleMechs, aka 'Mechs) and battle until their opponent is destroyed or until the scenario objectives being played are completed. In 2019 the old BattleTech Introductory Box Set was replaced by two all-new box sets. The second of these (after the Beginner Box) is A Game of Armored Combat. AGoAC comes with eight 'Mech miniatures--seven new, one a repeat from the Beginner Box (all made to a higher quality level than the previous generation of box set miniatures). The AGoAC rules cover introductory weapons and construction technology, and the standard BattleTech ruleset for mechs. An expansion for this set, the BattleTech: Clan Invasion box set, adds more advanced technologies and introduces the Clan factions. In terms of rulebooks, the intended follow-on from this box is either the BattleMech Manual (for more advanced but still mech-only play) or Total Warfare (for combined arms play featuring mechs, combat vehicles, infantry, air support, etc). https://youtu.be/YOK8mq1Z5xk
  • Tenpenny Parks

    22 990 Ft
    Build epic theme parks to attract visiting people and inspire thrill, awe and joy! A game of Tenpenny Parks is played over five rounds, called months. Each month players take turns placing workers on the gameboard to take actions like removing trees, building concessions and attractions, and buying more property in order to make their growing theme parks as attractive to visiting people (VP tokens) as possible. At the end of each month, rewards are given to the player with the fairground that best exemplifies certain raw emotions, and after five months the player with the most VP tokens wins! https://youtu.be/oAmeLu9p_JM
  • Kilim

    10 990 Ft
    Weave the most beautiful Kilim to delight the Sultan and be named High Weaver. The Sultan asked the weavers of the city to create their finest work for him, an exceptional Kilim! The Person who weaves the most beautiful one will be become the High Weaver of the Sultanate. An Honor and a promise of fortune that you cannot ignore. All you have to do is go to the market, buy the best carpets and assemble them to make a Kilim worthy of the Sultan! In order to weave your Kilim, you will have to participate in the market auctions to get carpets. They have different patterns that can influence the final score. Since you are all in competition, you may want the same carpet, so you will have to offer the best deal possible without going broke. Once you have acquired a carpet tile, you will place it in front of you to compose your work. After 3 days, the Kilim will be judged by the Sultan according to the way they have been designed. The one who has designed the best masterpiece will be named High Weaver of the Sultanate! The game ends when all the tiles are bought and placed (after three rounds) and build in the Kilims of the players. Victory Points are given for an rectangular shape of the carpet, for the use of patterns, for the biggest groups of patterns, for the player with most tiles of a pattern - and you loose points if you have open/visible "damaged" carpet parts. https://youtu.be/jum_fyXM8tI
  • Don't lose your fingers in this simple and quick dice game!

    Fingers off the dice!
    You only keep your fingers if you move them at the right moment. If you are late or if your paws are grabbing the wrong place, you will soon nolonger be able to pickle.

    Osaka‘s yakuza bosses have a problem. Their people are rotting away, the lack of discipline is rampant. It cannot go on like this! After the latest scandal, it is finally time to act and apply the best practices. From now on the following applies: Yubitsume ... Every misconduct costs a finger.

    Yubitsume means shortening of the fingers. Fortunately,m this game is not like the original, in Japan. With Yubitsume, the yakuza have to snip themselvers when they screw up. It follows a strict ritual: You cut off a finger joint in the same presence of the lan chief. If the boss is in a nasty mood, it can be a bit more. You repeat that until ... need we say more.

    Even in the Heldbergs‘ game Yubitsume, mistakes and inaction do not go unpunished. Whenever that happens normally with the yakuza, fingers come off, if you still have some to remove! But rest assured, everything runs more gently and - let‘s say more symbolically - in this game.

    Vicces, gyors és szórakoztató kis kockajáték, igazi csemegének ígérkezik! Ujjakra vigyázni! :)

  • Wildly different factions vie for control of Arrakis through alliance and treachery.

    Imagine you can control the forces of a noble family, guild, or religious order on a barren planet which is the only source for the most valuable substance in the known universe.

    Imagine you can rewrite the script for one of the most famous science fiction books of all time. Welcome to the acclaimed 40-year-old board game which allows you to recreate the incredible world of Frank Herbert’s DUNE.

    In DUNE you will become the leader of one of six great factions. Each wishes to control the most valuable resource in the universe - melange, the mysterious spice only found at great cost on the planet DUNE. As Duke Leto Atreides says “All fades before melange. A handful of spice will buy a home on Tupile. It cannot be manufactured, it must be mined on Arrakis. It is unique and it has true geriatric properties.” And without melange space travel would be impossible. Only by ingesting the addictive drug can the Guild Steersman continue to experience visions of the future, enabling them to plot a safe path through hyperspace.

    Who will control DUNE? Become one of the characters and their forces from the book and . . . You decide!


  • A contest between two nomadic tribes along desert trade routes. Unlike in other cultures, the desert Tuareg men, known as Targi, cover their faces whereas women of the tribe do not wear veils. They run the household and they have the last word at home in the tents. Different families are divided into tribes, headed by the ‘Imascheren’ (or nobles). As leader of a Tuareg tribe, players trade goods from near (such as dates and salt) and far (like pepper), in order to obtain gold and other benefits, and enlarge their family. In each round their new offerings are made. Cards are a means to an end, in order to obtain the popular tribe cards. https://youtu.be/i8AzNVUgnrw
  • Sand dunes, water tokens, and the Targia add another dimension of decisions to Targi. The expansion of the tribe goes on in Targi: Die Erweiterung, an expansion for Targi. With water as a new element, the tribe has more flexibility in how it will extend itself. More specifically, in the game water functions like a joker, e.g., you can swap two water tokens for any one goods token. Many of the new tribe cards, which replace the set in the base game, allow players to choose to spend gold or water tokens, which can make it a little easier to build. The Targia — a Tuareg woman — is a special pawn like the robber, but has a more positive effect for players. She starts in the opposite direction of the robber and moves each turn one edge card. When you place one of your Targi on the same card, you receive a favor: Either take a goods token of your choice or spend one good to reveal the top card from the draw pile and receive what it shows. Now a less attractive edge card might be more interesting because the Targia offers an additional reward. Finally, shifting sand cards give the players rather strong immediate advantages when they place a Targi on them — but since these shifting sands are placed next to the central playing area, you lose an intersection on the central cards. https://youtu.be/UURwezUnUM0  
  • Race through a dense South American jungle in pursuit of the legendary city of gold.

    Az eredeti, angol kiadás - ennek a verzióanak jobban szeretem a grafikáját + kisebbek a kártyák, kisebb helyen elfér a játék és kezelhetőbb...

    In The Quest for El Dorado, players take the roles of expedition leaders who have embarked on a search for the legendary land of gold in the dense jungles of South America. Each player assembles and equips their own team, hiring various helpers from the scout to the scientist to the aborigine. All of them have one goal in mind: Reaching the golden border first and winning all of the riches for themselves. Whoever chooses the best tactics will be rewarded!


  • Drill to Win!

    9 990 Ft

    Trükkös, egyszerű és szórakoztató kártyajáték! 

    A Drill to Win! című 2-4 fős kártyajátékban földgázkitermelő vállalatokat vezetünk, amelyek kutatási mezőkön befektetéseket eszközölnek és kutatófúrásokat végeznek azért, hogy értékes földgázt nyerjenek ki a földkéregből. Minden játékos ugyanolyan lehetőségekkel rendelkezik, és saját ügyessége, valamint a kockázatvállalási hajlandósága, meg azért egy kis szerencse dönti el, hogy sikeres lesz-e egy adott fúrási ciklusban a kutatási mezőkön!
    A játékosoknak állandóan változó körülmények között kell a legoptimálisabb döntést meghozniuk!

    A játékosok sorrendben fektetnek be, azaz helyeznek le Befektetéskártyákat a választásuk szerinti kutatási mezőkön végzett kutatófúrásba, ameddig valamelyik játékos ki nem váltja a kutatási mező szerinti kutatási ciklus végét és értékelés nem következik!
    Megjegyzés: A Befektetéskártyák értéke a befektetett összeget szimbolizálja!
    A kutatási ciklus végén értékeljük az adott kutatófúrásba befektető vállalatok, azaz a játékosok kockázatvállalását és befektetési szándékának nagyságát. Először az a játékos, aki a legutolsó befektetést eszközölte, kutatási bónuszt kap. Ezután az a játékos, aki összességében a legnagyobb pénzösszeget fektette be a kutatófúrásba a kutatási ciklusban, kitermelheti a kutatófúrás által feltárt összes
    földgázt (illetve adott esetben olajat) a kutatási mezőről.
    A játékban fontos, hogy vagy a legjobb időben, vagy a legnagyobb értékben fektessünk be az egyes kutatási mezőkön induló
    A játék győztese az a földgázkitermelő vállalatot vezető játékos lesz, aki összességében a legnagyobb pontértékű földgázt gyűjtötte össze a játék végére!

  • Kiegészítő a TOBAGO játékhoz - az alapjáték szükséges hozzá!

    The hidden treasure you seek might not stay in the same location as the lava flows.

    Tobago: Volcano, playable only with the Tobago base game, complicates your search for hidden treasure.

    In the original game, treasure awaited under palm trees, next to huts, in forests, and in the mountains. Thanks to a volcano that takes up seven of the board's hexes and now towers high above the game board, lava comes into play. During set-up, each player places a triangular tile of three hexes near the island's perimeter, with one of these hexes being covered with lava; the player's ATV starts on another of these hexes.

    During the game, you can violate the normal rules of card playing by laying down an illegal card, e.g., "not in the mountains" when an "in the mountains" card was played earlier for this treasure, after which you immediately cover this card with one of the four new volcanic clue cards included in this expansion: next to/not next to the volcano and next to/not next to lava. Once this treasure is claimed, the volcanic card is returned to the side of the playing area for subsequent use.

    Whenever a player collects an amulet, they add another hex of lava to the game board, whether adjacent to the volcano or lava already in play. This means that the island will transform dynamically throughout the game, possibly moving treasures to locations where no one suspected them previously. After all, the largest forest might not stay the largest if overrun by lava, and the forests themselves might even disappear completely!

    During a turn, an ATV can travel over lava — but not stop in lava — if the player spends an amulet or (if they have no amulets) discards their largest treasure card. Don't let your travel routes get cut off by the lava flow...



  • Tobago

    15 990 Ft

    Deduce the location of hidden treasure, and race your opponents to it!

    Tobago is an adventure game, in which the players possess different parts of treasure maps. During the game, more and more information about the locations of the treasures are revealed, and the possible locations are narrowed down. When a player identifies the location of one of the treasures, they try to reach it as fast as possible to secure the findings.

    The game features a modular game board.



  • Dwarf heroes take turns drafting custom dice from a unique mountain component!

    Kellemes, gyors és szórakoztató kis kockajáték :) - magyar nyelvű videó és letölthető magyar szabályt is találsz az oldalon!

    The Dwarves once lived beneath three mighty mountains. After centuries of war they defeated their age-old enemies the Dragons. Moving to the surface, the Dwarves built magnificent cities and won renown for their heartening beer.

    But the Dragons have returned. Now, the Dwarves must remember their roots, clear old tunnels, and return to ancient caverns while fighting their primeval foes.

    In each of three rounds, custom dice are rolled onto the mountain. You are a Dwarf hero, drafting dice for your hoard. Scores are tallied after each round before you re-roll your dice and the mountain is refilled.

    Ultimately, Dice Miner is a game about drafting the dice you covet, adding them to your hoard, and pushing your luck to build massive combos and score as many points as you can.

    ...és már itt is van Szekeres Feri bemutatója! Jó játékot!



  • Coffee Traders

    47 990 Ft

    MSRP: 120 USD
    Develop coffee regions around the world while building your coffee trading network!

    Thousands of coffee farmers all over the world support their families by using small stretches of hillside land for their coffee plantations. Farmers work day in and day out for very little, but the future of coffee farming is bright. Fair Trade organizations strive to improve living conditions for these farmers by helping them set up cooperatives. This enables them to establish better pricing agreements and take out loans for new plantations, all to help provide education and improve the quality of their lives, families, societies, and environment.

    In Coffee Traders, set in 1970s Central and South America, Africa, and Asia, the delicious Arabica coffee beans farmers harvest are sold in Antwerp — and all over the world — to coffee roasters large and small. Work with your competitors to develop the regions you see fit for the best coffee beans while keeping a watchful eye on the market. Construct buildings to help your Fair Trade coffee plantations thrive while enhancing your network for trading coffee. Will your plantations fall to ruin, or will you rise to the top and become the world's greatest coffee trader?



  • A méhecskék felfedezték, hogy mézet készíteni üzletet! Készíts mézet és add el, szerezz több pénzt, mint a többiek és te leszel a győztes! Egy hihetetlenül kedves és ötletes játék :) - nem véletlen a BGG 7.8-as értékelés! …és most ráadásul színes, nyomtatott magyar szabályt is adunk ajándékba az első 20 megrendelőnek! The bees have discovered economics. The queens believe that if they sell honey to the bears, badgers, and woodland creatures, they will find peace and prosperity. Spring has arrived and it's time to build the hive, find nectar, make honey, and, for the first time ever, set up shop. Honey Buzz is a worker bee placement game where players expand a personal beehive by drafting various honeycomb tiles that grant actions that are triggered throughout the game. Each tile represents a different action. Whenever a tile is laid so that it completes a certain pattern, a ring of actions is triggered in whatever order the player chooses. A tile drafted on turn one could be triggered up to three times at any point during the game. It all depends on how the player places their beeples (bee+meeple) and builds their hive. After all, in the honey business, efficiency is queen. As you continually expand your hive, you'll forage for nectar and pollen, make honey, sell different varieties at the bear market, host honey tastings, and attend to the queen and her court. There's only so much nectar to go around, and finding it won't be easy. Players will have to scout out the nectar field and pay attention to other players searches to try to deduce the location of the nectar they need for themselves. https://youtu.be/CMXR_4wVkiM https://youtu.be/pPWVsp5YwpM https://youtu.be/2n52o1Ksj44
  • ♠️ Terra Mystica EN 🎬

    24 990 Ft 23 741 Ft
    Play fantastical factions. Expand your influence by terraforming and joining cults. In the land of Terra Mystica dwell 14 different peoples in seven landscapes, and each group is bound to its own home environment, so to develop and grow, they must terraform neighboring landscapes into their home environments in competition with the other groups. Terra Mystica is a full information game, without any luck, that rewards strategic planning. Each player governs one of the 14 groups. With subtlety and craft, the player must attempt to rule as great an area as possible and to develop that group's skills. There are also four religious cults in which you can progress. To do all that, each group has special skills and abilities. Taking turns, the players execute their actions on the resources they have at their disposal. Different buildings allow players to develop different resources. Dwellings allow for more workers. Trading houses allow players to make money. Strongholds unlock a group's special ability, and temples allow you to develop religion and your terraforming and seafaring skills. Buildings can be upgraded: Dwellings can be developed into trading houses; trading houses can be developed into strongholds or temples; one temple can be upgraded to become a sanctuary. Each group must also develop its terraforming skill and its skill with boats to use the rivers. The groups in question, along with their home landscape, are:
    • Desert (Fakirs, Nomads)
    • Plains (Halflings, Cultists)
    • Swamp (Alchemists, Darklings)
    • Lake (Mermaids, Swarmlings)
    • Forest (Witches, Auren)
    • Mountain (Dwarves, Engineers)
    • Wasteland (Giants, Chaos Magicians)
    Proximity to other groups is a double-edged sword in Terra Mystica. Being close to other groups gives you extra power, but it also means that expanding is more difficult... https://youtu.be/h9FsPtVKays https://youtu.be/K9S5nwDydH0
  • MEGÉRKEZETT A TERRA MYSTICA Automata Solo Box! An expansion that allows you to play Terra Mystica solo. This expansion allows you to play solo. It includes 10 new automa factions and different levels of difficulty. This expansion can be combined with Fire and Ice and Merchants of the Seas. In the land of Terra Mystica dwell 14 different peoples in seven landscapes, and each group is bound to its own home environment, so to develop and grow, they must terraform neighboring landscapes into their home environments in competition with the other groups. Terra Mystica is a full information game, without any luck, that rewards strategic planning. Each player governs one of the 14 groups. With subtlety and craft, the player must attempt to rule as great an area as possible and to develop that group's skills. There are also four religious cults in which you can progress. To do all that, each group has special skills and abilities. Taking turns, the players execute their actions on the resources they have at their disposal. Different buildings allow players to develop different resources. Dwellings allow for more workers. Trading houses allow players to make money. Strongholds unlock a group's special ability, and temples allow you to develop religion and your terraforming and seafaring skills. Buildings can be upgraded: Dwellings can be developed into trading houses; trading houses can be developed into strongholds or temples; one temple can be upgraded to become a sanctuary. Each group must also develop its terraforming skill and its skill with boats to use the rivers. The groups in question, along with their home landscape, are:
    • Desert (Fakirs, Nomads)
    • Plains (Halflings, Cultists)
    • Swamp (Alchemists, Darklings)
    • Lake (Mermaids, Swarmlings)
    • Forest (Witches, Auren)
    • Mountain (Dwarves, Engineers)
    • Wasteland (Giants, Chaos Magicians)
    Proximity to other groups is a double-edged sword in Terra Mystica. Being close to other groups gives you extra power, but it also means that expanding is more difficult... https://youtu.be/h9FsPtVKays https://youtu.be/K9S5nwDydH0
  • TERRY MYSTICA BIG BOX - MSRP: 129 EURO This Big Box contains the Terra Mystica base game, the expansions Fire & Ice and Merchants of the Seas, and the Solo Automa expansion. Play fantastical factions. Expand your influence by terraforming and joining cults. In the land of Terra Mystica dwell 14 different peoples in seven landscapes, and each group is bound to its own home environment, so to develop and grow, they must terraform neighboring landscapes into their home environments in competition with the other groups. Terra Mystica is a full information game, without any luck, that rewards strategic planning. Each player governs one of the 14 groups. With subtlety and craft, the player must attempt to rule as great an area as possible and to develop that group's skills. There are also four religious cults in which you can progress. To do all that, each group has special skills and abilities. Taking turns, the players execute their actions on the resources they have at their disposal. Different buildings allow players to develop different resources. Dwellings allow for more workers. Trading houses allow players to make money. Strongholds unlock a group's special ability, and temples allow you to develop religion and your terraforming and seafaring skills. Buildings can be upgraded: Dwellings can be developed into trading houses; trading houses can be developed into strongholds or temples; one temple can be upgraded to become a sanctuary. Each group must also develop its terraforming skill and its skill with boats to use the rivers. The groups in question, along with their home landscape, are:
    • Desert (Fakirs, Nomads)
    • Plains (Halflings, Cultists)
    • Swamp (Alchemists, Darklings)
    • Lake (Mermaids, Swarmlings)
    • Forest (Witches, Auren)
    • Mountain (Dwarves, Engineers)
    • Wasteland (Giants, Chaos Magicians)
    Proximity to other groups is a double-edged sword in Terra Mystica. Being close to other groups gives you extra power, but it also means that expanding is more difficult... https://youtu.be/h9FsPtVKays https://youtu.be/K9S5nwDydH0
  • Sikerült szerezni egy nagyon nehezen beszerezhető Terry Mystica Mini kiegészítőből! Terra Mystica: Expansion Sheet, a promotional mini-expansion released at Spiel 2015, is a compilation of old and new mini-expansion content. It includes:
    • The previously released Bonus Card Shipping Value and 4 Town Tiles promos.
    • A special landscape tile for each faction, with official rules determined by Helge Ostertag and the BoardGameGeek community.
    • A scoring tile that gives points for building a Temple and rewards Coins at the end of the round to players who have Priests sent to Cults.
  • Eat brains. Don't get shotgunned. A Horde Edition gyűjteményes kiadásban benne van az alapjáték - Zombie Dice 1, a Zombie Dice 2, a Zombi Dice 3, egy Zombie vászonzsák és egy jegyzettömb is! In Zombie Dice, you are a zombie. You want braaains – more brains than any of your zombie buddies. The 13 custom dice are your victims. Push your luck to eat their brains, but stop rolling before the shotgun blasts end your turn! Whoever collects 13 brains first wins. Each game takes 10 to 20 minutes and can be taught in a single round. Each turn, you take three dice from the box and roll them. A brain symbol is worth one point at the end of the round, while footsteps allow you to reroll this particular dice. Shotgun blasts on the other hand are rather bad, cause if you collect three shotgun blasts during your turn, it is over for you and you get no points. After rolling three dice, you may decide if you want to score your current brain collection or if you want to push your luck by grabbing new dice so you have three again and roll once more. Zombie Dice Horde Edition includes the Zombie Dice base game, as well as the Zombie Dice 2: Double Feature and Zombie Dice 3: School Bus expansions, along with a cloth bag and a scorepad to keep track of those tasty brains. https://youtu.be/VvHqmAfhSQw


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