
13 490 Ft

Collect gems, place them wisely and move them to their energetically optimal spot!

Breathe deeply… Let the whisper of thought come to your ear… Harmonize your chakras and let go so that the negative energies will disappear. Meditate on your strategy and let your feelings guide you towards victory!

In Chakra, each player has a board that shows the seven chakras they must fill with gems that represent the energy flowing in their body. To score points, a player must harmonize each of their chakras in the best possible way. To do so, they must take the gems and place three of them of the corresponding color in each of the chakras. During a turn, each player (who starts the game with several inspiration tokens) chooses one of the three following actions:

  • Take up to three gems from one column and place them on top of their individual board — or by spending a token, place them in a more strategic position.
  • Spend one token to use one of eight available actions; moving gems up or down by the number of chakra spaces indicated on the action is the key to reaching a perfect alignment.
  • Meditate to reclaim an inspiration token and secretly look at the point value, which is common to all players, that a harmonized chakra (3 same-colored gems) will score.

When a player manages to align five of their chakras, the last turn is played before you perform the final scoring.

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💎 VIP VAGABUND akció: Ha szeretnél az előrendelésedhez adni további VAGABUND társasjátékokat szuperkedvezményesen, most megteheted!
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Port Royal Big Box – 10.000 Ft

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Ellenállás! – 10.000 Ft
A Nagyi régi kredence – 10.000 Ft
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…és a Királyi áru 5.000 Ft, a Yapalocté expedíció 5.000 Ft, a Virágvarázs pedig 7.000 Ft, vagy ha az Acélmágnás társasjátékunk érdekelne, akkor annak a Vagabund VIP ára: 11.500 Ft

Köszi a rendelést! 🙂



  • 2-4 játékos részére
  • 8 éves kortól
  • kb 30 perc játékidő
  • Angol nyelvű kiadás
  • Nyelvfüggetlen játék
  • Jellemzők: gyűjtögetős, absztrakt játék – harmónia, energetizálás és meditatív hangulat…



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